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I need some help convincing myself that I did a good thing. I sent an e-mail to the guy I like at work. It was short and sweet and just said about liking him. (I'll post it at the bottom.) My ex is the one who convinced me to write it, but I had been wanting to do it forever. I have liked the guy for over a year, and I can't get him off my mind. I crave the clarity about how he feels about me, but right now I wish I had that e-mail thing where I could delete it if he didn't open it yet, or even better just see if he opened it yet. Can someone just tell me if this sounds good, cause I need a little convincing or I might decide to call out of work

(his name),

I know this may sound weird, but I like you. I know you always joke around, but I really do like you. Your never serious enough for me to find out one way or the other, and it kills me. I know you don't want to be with anyone, but still. A fling maybe? Seeing your stalker come back into play made me realize you were right I am jealous, and that I should probably say something, because I haven't for a really long time. Whether or not anything happens with either one of us, who knows and who cares, but atleast it will be off my chest. I don't mind being just a friend if that's it, but I really don't want things to get all awkward between us. Sometimes I think you already knew anyways.


A very nervous (my name)


Thanks to anyone who replies soon.

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this is nice... I meen az a shy guy myself . I apporoched girls via e-mail.. which unfortunately didn't go well for me.. but I think if a girl approches a guy via email is not a bad thing.. is he has an interest with you which I am pretty sure he does..he'll be more than thrilled and he'll probably accept you.. .. lemme know how it goes..

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NOTHING HAPPENED!! I don't think he checked his e-mail today, that relieved me a little bit. But he is hanging out with this CNA that is just about stalking him. I think he may actually like her now, and it's only been like 2 weeks! No one else likes her, the other waitresses and CNA's included. She is creepy! I hope that when he reads my e-mail something happens. Now I just have to be nervous again until tomorrow. (I hate to say it but I hope that lady gets fired)


Thanks for your help guys. I appreciate the luck, just hope everything works out for the best.

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It's been another day and nothing happened. I'm almost convinced he hasn't read his e-mail because he has been out talking with that CNA every chance he gets, well actually only when she asks him and that is all the time. I really cannot tell if he likes her or not, but we know she likes him. I really don't know how to feel anymore. I almost feel relieved! Even though nothing has happened, it doesn't hurt, and I'm not nervous. It still kills me to see him hanging around her, but I'm thinking it'll wear off soon. (Lol I hope it does) I have someone else who likes me right now anyways, and although I don't like him as much as the guy I e-mailed, he is growing on me. IF nothing happens with the guy I e-mailed, I can always move on...


Thanks to everyone who is still reading this.

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Not to be the only naysayer here, but you never, ever, write someone an email at work describing your feelings for him. For all you know he could report it to his boss as harassment and get you fired, and put a black mark on your work record. At the very least, he could send it to his buddies at work, or pass it around the office without you knowing. I have had to fire people for stuff like this a couple of times in the past. I hated doing it, but I dont make the rules.


Next time, if you absolutely must reveal your feelings for someone you work with, wait until the two of you are outside of work and tell him in person or if you must, send an email from your private email account to his private email account.


I dont agree with dating at the workplace, its a terrible idea unless one of the parties is leaving the company soon. Too much can go wrong and not enough can go right in those kinds of situations.

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I understand, and normally I would've never sent an e-mail, and it was through private accounts, but he doesn't have a home computer right now so he checks his e-mail there. But first I have been in the process of looking for a new job already so I could easily transition to another if the case may be. Secondly he told me once he wouldn't tell anyone about the things we talk about or do with anyone, it's personal. He is the kind of guy who would show everyone if he thought it was funny, and it would hurt if he did, but I can deal with it, there used to be rumors before. Plus there are a couple relationships going on throughout my work and as long as they don't work on the same days they can still work there.


I do thank you for the negativity, everyone needs some constructive criticism. My mindset is always looking for the worst to happen, so I have already had all the thoughts of harassment, passing it around, joking about it, getting fired, everything. Whether or not it works out, I don't even care anymore, because not knowing would be an even worse regret to live with.

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