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Friends with Benifits...

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I gave him benifits...We almost had sex...I didn't let him get that far with me tho...


So the way he got in contact with me was that my old friend use to go out with him. He found out she was cheating with his bestfriend. It's

a real sticky situation if you ask me.


Am I wrong to let him in to my life. I havn't spoken

with this chick for more than 2 months, maybe longer.


I verely knew her anyway, but he seems to think I knew

her much better than In reality I didn't. like most people

went over there to party and etc... ..


All I know is that this guy is pretty cool and when I was wish him

the other night. Well things got kind of intense. We hooked up

...He did me a little favor, And in return I started to do him a favor,

but I was really nervous and then My ride showed up...


any tips on flirting and stuff with him? It's kind of weird

being around him since I hardly know him.


and I need some pointers on how to give oral really good and a good handjob??...I don't like

the size of my mouth...It seems like he has a biiiig one and

my mouth isnt so big. Umm Yea...this is weird to ask


but its true

I need advice from some experts



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ok... first of all... if i were you i wouldn't do anything like that with another guy until you guys are serious if you plan on keeping him around for a while. I'm not one to judge on one night stands or whatever... if that works for you then thats great. The thing is though, by the sound of your post, you're interested in this guy as more than just a "friend with benefits" and since he's already gotten what he wanted from you he might not be to intrigued. I don't know if that makes sense... one of my ex's told me before that guys like a challenge. If they think they can't get a girl, it's all they can think about to get her... as far as sex tips i think it's about communication. He needs to tell you what feels good and what dosent feel good.

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My advice to you is don't start off with sexual favours with someone with hopes it will turn into more.


Build the relationship first and then the rest will follow, and things develop naturally.


Don't use your body to "win people over".


And if it is "weird" being around him.....I am not sure this is the best plan to go forward with anyway.

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so I respect all of yalls opinions, but Im not in it for a relationship

Im just in it for a benifits thing...


I know he has les respect for me, but since I made the choice

to let him make his moves, wouldn't only be fair to return the

favor? Yea or no? I know its a little far fetch, but thats the

kind of girl I am, I guess... ..


ne input on how to give great oral?

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like i said before, it's about communication. It's usually better if you use ur hands too while you're doing it... suck towards the top of his penis, and use ur hand farther down... the simultaneous pleasures of being sucked and also getting a hand job drives some guys crazy... guys vary whether they like it hard or soft... you can usually tell, but I guess it just comes naturally when you are comfortable with soemone

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