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This teacher is flirting with my friend ... I think

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hello people. Long time no chat.

well my friend lizzy is telling my how this teacher called Simon seems to be flirting with her. He's 29 she's 17 going on 18. We are leaving college and both got a yr book photo and a book for people to sign. On hers he put:


To Lizzy! Besta luck in your exams!

love always

Simon x x x


he signed mine and put:


To Laura Ash

good luck



He wrote on everyones book the same as what he wrote on mine, so I ask you why is lizzy so special? THEN everytime we alk accross the yard and pass the theatre room windows he looks straight at her and waves. I mean he holds his hand up to his chin winks then gives this silly little wave!


What gives! He's there as a helper he actually works for a shop called Jessops. He's doing it to earn extra money. He always watches her and when he walks past he turns his head to see what she's doing. This other girl Nikki noticed to. She told me in private away from lizzy how simon was eyeing her up in theatre studies. She felt uncomfortable as simon and lizzy where laughing and talkng about whatever. lizzy assured me she's not attracted to him at all and she feels weird around him.


so is he flirting or are we all paranoid?


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She has 2 options she can either confront him about this and get it open and in the air and sort it out or continue to ingore him, in the end it's up too your friend what she does. If she feels uncomfortable she should talk to him and explain that she's not attracted or intrested in him.


He could just have a crush, they don't last that long but vaires person 2 person as i said you can choose to do something or do nothing.


Hope this helps,


- whitefang

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I've had a few TAs flirt with me actually, but nothing has come out of it in the end. Some are just flirtatious, but aren't interested in pursuing anything from that. I've had a few ask me for coffee after the course was over, etc. but never followed up...


I think you should just leave it with her, as it's her business. Many teachers are just friendly like that, especially if she's a good student, there's a personality click (i.e. they just happen to get along well), etc. There will always be teacher favouritism, you can't do much about that. But flirting is just flirting -- since the course is over, it doesn't mean anything will happen from it. And if she's not interested in him, it's likely nothing will come of it.

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well Im concerned because she keeps talking to me about it and im not sure what she wants me to do. Im not going to ask him about it for her because its too weird. It is my buissnes if she includes in to the situation which she has. shes made it quite clear she isn't interested in him to me. we were both in the shop today and we were in que and he was stood so close to her he was nearly on to of her. I could feel her pushing me. then when we left the shop he kept turning around to watch her and see what she was doing. so if u was her what would u do.



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