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Final decision!!

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Having a secret crush really sucks.I won't ever do it again.I'm going to stop liking and end my hopeless one sided love.Perhaps,I might end up regretting this decision.Maybe I can't get over him and might like him again.But still,I'll try.I'll stop hurting myself with false hopes.I got to know that he's kind and sweet to everyone.

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1 minute ago, Bora said:

,I'll try.I'll stop hurting myself with false hopes

Definitely.  Unrequited crushes are a waste of time, energy and emotions. 

Try to appreciate people for who they are. If he's a nice guy, good friend... just accept it rather than trying to turn people into who you want them to be. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Funny thing about a crush is that everyone says it stinks and they won't do it again. Then they do it again.

Why? Because it's not something we always have control over. The heart goes where the heart goes. I didn't choose to have feelings for any of the people I've had feelings for. Something within them triggered that emotional response for me. And something within someone will one day trigger something for you too. That doesn't have to be a bad thing. The key is learning to handle the tidal wave of feelings that come with a crush. It's knowing when to take the chance for something more, and learning to be okay if it doesn't pan out like you hope.

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