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Lately, I've been frequently skipping classes, it's gotten to the point where I haven't attended my HS physics class for 3 months. I've been intermittently skipping English for 2 weeks and it's gotten to the point where the teacher reached out with concerns. At the same time, I hate having attention drawn to me and I don't want others thinking there's something wrong with me. I just attended my English class for the first time in two weeks and the teacher loudly asked where I've been and whether or not I had family issues. Fortunately, my grades haven't been impacted much(still managing to pass the classes, with A's but I have a C in physics) but the thought of stepping into a classroom that I haven't attended for three months is frightening considering I certainly don't have an assigned place to sit, a group, and most of the how are labs and group projects. I don't have a justifiable reason for skipping regarding illness, disabilities, or family issues, rather I didn't have any friends witch lead to frequently led to being ignored or doing most of the work for labs(it's not necessarily anyone else's fault/most of the kids were nice),  a combination of stress, laziness and anxiety and frequently missing the bus for the 25-minute commute. My physics teacher isn't nearly strict and is a complete angel, she recently had a baby and could've taken a maternity leave but decided to stay and teach the class, I feel like I'm taking advantage of her kindness and don't want to reach out(i also don't know what to say considering lack of justifiable reasoning). The first time I skipped her class was to catch up on assignments and it snowballed. I feel so ashamed of myself most of the other students taking the classes are high-achieving hard workers, and I feel like a lazy fraud skipping under the pretense of a mental illness.

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Of course my parents are worried about my attendance, English is not their first language so anything regarding attendance is difficult to discuss (I'm not fluent in my native language either), and they work frequently. Not really sure what to discuss with teachers, never been close and rarely spoken to any of them. I'm planning on sending an email to my physics teacher before showing up and catching up on any possible assignments I can complete remotely. 

6 minutes ago, Wiseman2 said:

Where are your parents in all this.? There seems to be a serious lack of supervision at home. Talk to trusted adults such as guidance counselors, favorite teachers, etc.  being truant is nothing to be proud about. 



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