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Should I question my father if he's cheating again?

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Hi all,

So last year my father told me to help him send a file on his phone and when I had his phone I saw this app which had a bright red love heart on it. The app looks suspicious. But other than seeing the app, he hasn't displayed any other suspicious behavior that he's cheating. He has cheated in the past so that's why I'm making assumptions on him at the moment. I tried letting this go but it's still in the back of my mind. Any suggestions of what I should do?

Thank you all for your time. 

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Yeah- NOTHING.  You do nothing.  This is none of your business. 

Parents and their children should keep their nose entirely out of each other's love/sex life.  Do you want your dad to know where, how, and when you are getting sex? IF that's even what that is, since you don't really know. 

It may also surprise you to learn parents don't always tell their kids everything.  You don't mention how old you are.  Are you still at home?

In either case, it doesn't matter.  It's your parents' business.  Not for you to know or worry about. 

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6 hours ago, coolywil0 said:

 when I had his phone I saw this app which had a bright red love heart on it. 

Many health and cardiac monitoring apps have a heart logo. Why are you worried about this?

The icon, white with a red heart floating toward the top of it, is for Apple's new Health app. The app offers the ability for you to monitor your physical activity.

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I don’t know about the staying out. Meanwhile if he is mum is staying committed to someone without all the relevant information and on top of that might be at risk of contracting an std. 


Being the one to wonder but not know is a horrible position to be in. Definitely if you knew though, tell, tell. When has any chump Ever been glad to find out that they’ve been cheated on And someone close to them knew and said nothing?


In this particular instance crossing my fingers and toes you saw the Apple health app (quick google will show you what the image looks like). 

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