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Was she just being nice or...

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6 hours ago, tattoobunnie said:

I am the WORST texter.  I really think you need to stop using that as a gauge for her interest level.  People who also neurodivergent tend to be EXTRA awful at texting timely. 

Stop asking her for drinks.  Ask her to dinner or the movies.  Like date like stuff.  You are beyond "getting drinks" at this point.

Says who?

6 hours ago, MrMan1983 said:

Oh give us a break with the negativity 😉 Go ask her on that date in a concise manner and see what happens, worst that can happen is she says no or is wishy washy still. You've reached this point by getting out there more, and you'll reach another point if it's a no go.

But you're acting like I haven't already asked her...like twice already. And what point? This isn't really..a point. It's mostly nothing. This is basically a no go, and I've really gained nothing. Idk how this is supposed to assist me in reaching another point.

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17 minutes ago, TheLambOfDeth said:

I want to see new women. More women. That's the point. Not just sit around and and hope this person might be interested. Anyone with no options (involuntarily) is going to be desperate.

It's not true you have no options.  It's not true that people with no one they are dating at a particular time react by acting desperate -some do some don't.  Just like if you were out of a job and acted desperate at an interview -no good employer would hire you.  It would be incredibly off putting.  And you're choosing the way you approach dating.  Part is luck and timing and much is not.  And the luck and timing often increase when the way you approach dating is by being proactive (meaning you can't be at the right place at the right time if you're off on your own having a good ole pity party)

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30 minutes ago, TheLambOfDeth said:

 It's mostly nothing. This is basically a no go.

Agree it would be best to forget about this particular woman and just move on. There was way too much drama trying to even set anything up.

So you answered your own question: She was just being nice.  That's fine for someone you volunteer with. 

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49 minutes ago, Morello said:

I'm sorry, but based alone on the way you interact with others on here, I can see how you are struggling with getting dates. The negativity is palpable.

I see why you are "desperate" but you have to understand that you may need to change your approach to get different results. You are only seeing the negative side of everything.

First, you said there was no way anyone would be interested in you. Now that a woman is clearly interested (even in a somewhat wishy-washy way), you change the narrative to "not enough women are interested in me". It's always a very dramatic, negative, and desperate view of things. Also, you keep wanting the interactions with her to be over text, but whenever you are in person with her and she shows interest, you don't do anything. If you don't like her, that is fine, but the desperation might be coming from something else. Perhaps you feel you are entitled to a certain level of treatment from women or a certain number of women interested in you at any given time. You are not entitled to anything, and the sooner you understand and accept that you have to work and improve to get the results you want (maybe work a lot harder than others who have it "easy"), the earlier you will get out of this hut.

Again, not saying your view is not warranted (this is all very personal, and you feel what you feel), but the world is not fair, and people giving off this kind of vibes will struggle in society - not just in dating but in other aspects too.

I get where you're coming from. I do. I can objectively get what you're saying. But...in 99.9 percent of cases, when someone is interested in someone else, they have no issues at least getting a date with that person. It's the bare minimum. Just a chance. And opportunity. I'm not asking them to be my gf or go steady or anything...but a basic meet. Yet even when I seemingly have some interest, it's never enough just to get a date. Like a single date. Anyone else can get a date from random strangers they've just met like it's nothing, yet just getting a single date for me is tantamount to winning the lottery. It's like a cruel joke or trick being played on me all the time for no reason..and I really don't understand why. I'll never make any progress bc I'm seemingly never allowed to. It really is uncanny...I must've been a horrible person in another life or something and this is penance or something and I'm cursed bc there's no explanation for why I have it so much harder than everyone else.

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9 minutes ago, TheLambOfDeth said:

. But...  I'll never make any progress bc I'm seemingly never allowed to. 

You would also benefit from incels detox. Because they're doom and gloom rhetoric is toxic. And of course full of circular arguments in which they wish to "prove" there's no hope. 

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12 hours ago, Wiseman2 said:

You would also benefit from incels detox. Because they're doom and gloom rhetoric is toxic. And of course full of circular arguments in which they wish to "prove" there's no hope. 

You cannot "incel detox". Being involuntarily celibate isn't some choice or decision you make, it's something thrusted upon you, unwillingly bc women, collectively aren't interested in you. That's the entire point. Involuntary. The choice has been taken away from you. The only way to "incel detox" is to randomly become rich or invest tens of thousands worth of $$$ in plastic surgery.

No one would choose to be habitually alone and chronically unhappy to "prove" a point. That's silly to even consider, and actually condescending to say. People love to mention incels often, yet don't even know anything about them sans heresy and blatant misinformation from clickbait articles that seek to demonize them lol.

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2 minutes ago, TheLambOfDeth said:

  misinformation from clickbait articles that seek to demonize them.

Being listed as hate groups on legitimate anti hate websites is not clickbait. However it seems you embrace incels rhetoric so it's unclear why you would want dating advice? Keep in mind pretending to want advice as a platform to propagate hate groups is a frequent tactic. Especially since they are being shut down on many platforms.

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1 minute ago, Wiseman2 said:

Being listed as hate groups on legitimate anti hate websites is not clickbait. However it seems you embrace incels rhetoric so it's unclear why you would want dating advice? Keep in mind pretending to want advice as a platform to propagate hate groups is a frequent tactic. Especially since they are being shut down on many platforms.

Oh yes...a hate group. Right...remember all those riots, murders, and crimes incels have committed. Oh wait...they haven't. Literally, all they do is occupy forums. Incel-related murders or criminal activity isn't even recognizable bc it never happens. They're the victims. Normal, average, and good-looking men are much more prone and have done exponentially more crimes, hate-attributed acts, and especially violence or abuse to women than any incel. Yet they're the bad guys. Literally every serial killer, abuser, wife-beater, etc is a man who isn't an incel. Perception is a funny thing...

I wasn't even talking about incels in my thread at all...you were the one who brought it up, randomly, and it's not helping.

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58 minutes ago, TheLambOfDeth said:

I wasn't even talking about incels in my thread at all...you were the one who brought it up, randomly, and it's not helping.

You are parroting and perpetrating incel rhetoric and using their inane tactics to excuse yourself from having to take responsibility for your own situation and taking action to change it.  Which is fine, except it's ridiculous that you keep coming back pretending to want dating advice.  You don't. 

I'm surprised you're allowed to post that crap here, frankly.  This place is supposed to be free of "hate group" sewage.


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2 hours ago, TheLambOfDeth said:

You cannot "incel detox". Being involuntarily celibate isn't some choice or decision you make, it's something thrusted upon you, unwillingly bc women, collectively aren't interested in you. That's the entire point. Involuntary. The choice has been taken away from you.

OK.  I guess you and I both are "Involuntarily" not millionaires.  Why?  Because very rich people, collectively, have not freely handed over the piles of money they have to us.

Therefore, the choice to be millionaires has been TAKEN AWAY from us. 



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We wont help OP and others by chasing them away and calling them terrorists. To listen crooks and human traffickers like Tate. But by trying to understand them and help them. Some of you seem to think that the problem would go away if we just ban them. No. The problem exists because they have becomed marginalized. Everybody, starting from media are telling them that they are the problem. How their masculinity is the problem, how they are this and that. Even you are calling them a terrorists hate group(something that moderators should allso notice btw but hey "rule for the..." am I right). And you want to marginalize them even more and chase them away to Tate and others and create a bigger problem. At least here he can get a normal advice. And surround himself with people who dont think like him and who can give him an honest advice to move him from what you call a dangerous rhetoric. There he will indeed become an echo chamber. And he wont get any help at all.

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5 minutes ago, Kwothe28 said:

We wont help OP and others by chasing them away and calling them terrorists. To listen crooks and human traffickers like Tate. But by trying to understand them and help them. 

Are we supposed to do the same thing with members of the KKK (in the US) or people who want to blow up mosques or shoot up gay night clubs?  

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5 minutes ago, Jaunty said:

Are we supposed to do the same thing with members of the KKK (in the US) or people who want to blow up mosques or shoot up gay night clubs?  

Did you really compared OP who asks a dating advice with something that is punishable by law? When you show me where he was advocating for killing a somebody for different color of skin or gender, then talk about saying he is the same as a group who does.

Get real. And stop with your extreme rhetoric where everybody who doesnt think the same as you is Hitler. It doesnt work anywhere but inside your own echo chambers. Which you and Wiseguy want to create here lol

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