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What dating sites have you tried?

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yahoo, okcupid, and link removed all have different offerings. tried all of those, but never eharmony. plenty of other places, but most are spam machines or full of fakes. the big trick is how good your pictures are, and how good your writing is. and also how persistent you are. you make of them what you can.


the more you pay, the more you can get, but it really all depends on how much care you put into it, overall.

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From previous experience, and from someone who has tried alot of dating sites....


With all relativly good dating sites, usually the person who wants to "contact"...eg email, IM has to pay , and then the receiver of the email IM doesn't and is free to contact you back.


While this makes it a pretty easy way to meet people, i found out that Eharmony makes both parties pay and is one of the only dating sites that do that. Ive found that the people on that site were very ready and willing to go on dates, while at the other sites alot of people were just playing around and not too interested in actually dating.


Also EHarmony really puts alot of your money to use with profile matching and personality matching as well....The other sites don't seem to have any type of added features.


SO if you were going to pay....pay for that one. Although there might be some cool free ones still around, none that i know of though.

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Believe me, after £'000s wasted, and tons of hours (days/weeks/months/years wasted trying to find someone who has one or two things remotely in common with you - it's a scam...

The only people who end up happy from these sites are the OWNERS!


I've found you have to write your profile in a 'certain' way and send and reply to messages in a 'certain' way - you can't be yourself, otherwise everyone thinks you are a freak. (Don't ask me why ).

The sites are VIRTUALLY ALL based around AGE and NOTHING else, and is a waste of time with people who actually DO have interests etc.

(Eg: If you're 20 and your interests are like those of a 40 yr old - then you have no chance whatsoever, as all the 40 yr olds will only search in THEIR AGE RANGE and vice versa).


The only site that actually offered a glimmer of hope in an otherwise freezing ocean of crap was: link removed - it's FREE!

And I did actually meet someone on there once (in real life).


Believe me, you're better off posting a personals ad in the newspaper columns. You get much more & much better responses...

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link removed


Its a cool site. You meet all sourts of people in your

area, Maybe even a person from your own school or

people with the same kind of standards and common interest.


It's a pretty good place to meet people and guess what else?


It's 100% free... try it...

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A lot of it depends where you are located and what you are looking for.


I had GREAT success on link removed, moderate success on link removed. To whom said that you only find people with one or two things in common - I would disagree. That happens in REAL life too, but there are people whom you DO have plenty in common with. I would date online over a newspaper ad ANY day - you learn more, its often safer, and get more personality from it then a "want ad".


There are also sites such as lemontonic, yahoopersonals, and many times your fave webpage has their own dating site (such as The link removed). I have heard good things about eharmony too.

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I like yahoo personals, not match though.


btw, match has gone to the "both people must pay" system which is good in a way, but frusterating if you are the one that's paid... there's no way to tell who can and cannot reply to you.


friendfinder is interesting and specialized... ie, if you are looking for someone that is Italian, Jewish, Hispanic, ect there's a specialized site for you. If you ARE Jewish, i have a friend that swears by JDate. She's had a lot of success there.

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I've tried link removed which sucked LOL.


Eharmony on the other hand seem to really get me true matches (they find for you, you don't get to choose) yet I haven't exactly found anyone that really interest me or interest them.


Friendster & myspace is actually a great place to network...but it seems like a lot of people try to get the '# of friends' up and hook up because of looks and what they have...it seems more materialistic.


Lavalife & link removed, I signed up my email but really haven't tried...

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I've tried link removed, link removed, yahoo. I've had better luck with Match. The area I live in is small and there are quite a few professional people on yahoo and on match. You just have to keep writing and making the effort. Goes with meeting someone on the street.

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I signed up on match, yahoo, lavalife, and perfectmatch a couple weeks ago. No responses yet.


Online dating seems stupid to me. It's much more rewarding to meet someone face-to-face and getting to know them that way (and it's waaaay cheaper). And maybe I don't want to know everything about the person before I meet them.


Just my 2 cents.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I never tried a dating site. I met my boyfriend on a forum... it was far from an online dating site. 8)


I've got friends who joined them, and have had no results after quite a while... so, it just kinda proves my point that you really can't go looking for love, it just finds you.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I've been using lavalife.. That's where I met my current boyfriend.. I reckon lavalife is good if you live in Australia(like me) cus heaps of people know about it here and thereforeeee there's more people who join... only thing is tho, u need to buy credits.... Ive gotta thank lavalife because I finally found the guy who loves me for who I am..although he lives 1.5 hrs away... and we've been going out for a while

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  • 4 weeks later...

What happened to the old fashion way of meeting people? I've tried different sites and it just always seems like I end up talking to some one 100's of miles away. In some cities they have like a 30 second date thing. I haven't tried it but I feel like it might be more effective then online dating, but I guess it's whatever works

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  • 2 weeks later...

Tickle/LoveHappens is a good one too. link removed (used to be link removed) is a site that creates all sorts of personality/relationship/IQ/etc... quizes. link removed is basically the same company and you can display the results of any quiz(es) you choose, for others to see, in addition to your profile. I think it's very interesting. Also, like someone else said, the best 100% free site for meeting people: link removed However, it was not designed as a dating site and not everyone on it is looking for a relationship.

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The only people that benefit from most of these 'dating' sites are the owners rubbing their hands with glee at their bank accounts every month...


And of course all the people who HAVE had successful matches off of these dating sites. I would call that a pretty good "benefit".


It all depends on your approach, and it DOES take work. You can't just put a profile up haphazardly and expect things to to work - it's just a stepping stone, and won't make up for things that are lacking in the first place either. For example, if you have no conversation skills, online might cover it up briefly, but it all comes out in the end.


I met my boyfriend online, we met within a week in real life (I only ever talked to local people, and if I was interested met them within a week or so) and almost a year later we live together, and are incredibly happy, compatible and strong together.

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LMAO.. I guess I spoke too soon. If you read my previous post I said no one has ever messaged me in the months that I have been up on these dating websites. Well, last night I got an email from this girl who just moved here and was looking to meet new people, and possibly a relationship. I'll see where this goes.

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Yes they do work. I joined link removed in 2003, dated someone I met from this site for 1.5 years. Joined link removed & Yahoo Personals 2 months ago. Very interesting, so far, I've only been on 2 dates, I get people who email me but many I feel are playing online & are looking for a penpal. Some have emailed me expressing interest, & when I send a reply, often I never geta reply back, leading me to believe many are contacting many people at once or suddenly realize they aren't interested? The response email is polite, sweet & casual, not very wordy or stress inducing to make someone want to flee. I think this is very interesting as compared to my online dating exp Spring 2003, where I received ooodles of emails, often meeting at least 2-3 people per week, & constant, continuing communication, until I met the person I dated for a year and a half.

Now I find I get better emails from potential matches on Yahoo Personals. link removed this time around has been disappointing, so far, lots of profiles who've emailed me or viewed my profile or winked who are display red flags they aren't looking to do anymore than play on the pc.

I highly recommend doing some research, possibly locating a site that may attract members that have more of a focus you're looking for, whether it be making friends, dating to date, dating w intention of finding a relationship, etc.

I must add I used to be a member of link removed, gave it 4 months, but quit due to the site returning virtually no matches in my state, & matches that the site said matched my preferences shared in an intense, hour long questionnaire, I was not attracted to let alone interested in. It was funny, every match was someone who was EXTREEMELY religious, born again, saved...nothing against these matches, just not matches I was curious to communicate w & possibly meet.




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