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Hey I've been thinking of maybe trying this out see how it goes. I love cars and I think this would be a good way to learn even more about them.


My question is this:

Be honest with me, do you think I stand much of a chance getting hired? I'm 21 but I still look like a teenager. I might go to college in the fall if I can think of something I want to take. In the mean time I just want to gain some experience dealing with people and maybe spark some more interest that I have in cars. I'm just affraid I wont stand a chance of getting hired once they see me and find out that I got fired from my last job. I mean I think I have a pretty good idea what to say about getting fired. I'll just tell them that over the months I just lost interest in the job and didnt see myself working there forever and never had enough motivation to quit because the money was good.


Tell me what you think plz, and thanks for any replies in advance

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quitting a former job is alot better than getting fired from a job obviously. I wouldn't worry to much about that. Remember, most people at the dealership, probably have this as their career, including the guy who's hiring. If they see someone applying for the job who might act like he wouldn't take working their seriously in the future, your chances probably are slimmer. Goodluck

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