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I want to feel more empowered and free

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I have been dealing with lots of hardships in lofe lately and all i want is that peace of mind and tranquility that i once had. i worked so hard on it by meditating constantly but i have fallen out of it how do i fall in love with myself again?!

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I'm sorry you've been experiencing hardship.  Why do you need to be in love with yourself as a general rule? My suggestion is do meditation but reach your goal of accepting yourself by getting out there and doing volunteer work, by making sure you do enough cardio exercise each day -preferably some outdoors- calling a friend and listening.  Do you eat healthfully and hydrate-those are loving actions you can do for yourself.  Do you notice when a stranger might need a small act of kindness -a small smile, a door held open, an offer of assistance? Those are loving actions that have the added benefit of making you feel like you matter and are vital and contributing.

I hope things improve for you soon.

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1 hour ago, Zoyq said:

I have been dealing with lots of hardships in lofe lately and all i want is that peace of mind and tranquility that i once had. i worked so hard on it by meditating constantly but i have fallen out of it how do i fall in love with myself again?!

The first step is to see your physician about the miscarriages, STDs, reliable contraception and a checkup for your overall mental and physical health. Ask for a referral to qualified therapist for on going support. Ask about cancer support groups and research online if there are any in person or online .

The next is to remove the cheating uncaring BF from your life. An overall lifestyle of physical activity, good nutrition, time spent outdoors being involved socially such as joining groups and clubs is more effective than just one mind-body practice. Do you work?  Go to school? Pour yourself into productive and enjoyable activities.

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What are you trying to change? You cant have piece and tranquility if your life is a mess. No ammount of meditation would help you there. If you want to work on yourself, you would have to put in the serious effort. Meaning to put meaningful changes to your life that would make you love yourself more. Get rid of people that bring mess. Change jobs if that is what is bring you stress. Maybe work on your diet. Start to go out more. Changes come from ourselves and our actions. 

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On 11/26/2022 at 12:11 PM, Zoyq said:

I have been dealing with lots of hardships in lofe lately and all i want is that peace of mind and tranquility that i once had. i worked so hard on it by meditating constantly but i have fallen out of it how do i fall in love with myself again?!

After hurricane damage forced me to re-home years ago, I learned that peace inside is possible even during the biggest challenges--except where I am causing my own turbulence.

This comes from my own lousy choices OR my inability to make a choice.

We can't fool ourselves. Sure, we can fight with ourselves, but that won't permit peace, either.

So what are the sources of your turbulence, and what choices can you make to resolve them?


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