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So, i was walking through the mall today with a friend of mine, and for some reason i turned my head to the left.. BAM.. saw the EX. Heart dropped. She was walking down the stairs smiling, she was with one of her new "best" girl friends. MAinly the reason we broke up was she wanted to be single and experience some things.


Dont know if she saw me, but it was odd seeing her again, havn't seen her in about 2.5 weeks...


Thing is, she didn't even look that great, she died her hair black again.. with awfull highlights.. still, kinda hurt to see her.

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Well, she didn't SAY she wanted to experience some things. I just dont think she liked feeling like she had to worry about where she went or anything.


We had a major communication problem, i can admit to that. Smothered eachother and neglected our friends. She gave up all her friends to be with me, i NEVER asked her to do that, she did it on her own.


Yea, she didn't look so hot.. i have been improving my image. I suppose in the end its her loss.

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i think looking good and living well could quite possibly be the best revenge....if you and your ex were really serious (this is a general "you" to the public..) then, even if u see them a few months after the breakup, you KNOW their heart will still skip a beat wen they see u again. see this is why NC is the absolute BEST...sometime down the road, the tables will turn.

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It's expected, it should be shocking and still hurt. But don't buy that garbage about "wanting to experience life" and all of that. It's just a cop out, an indirect way of saying "i don't want you anymore". I'll never use an excuse like that on anyone. I would never disrespect them is that fashion.

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Well, how many times have I said to the women here, looking great is the best revenge?


Second best... Stealing their toilet paper so they don't know they don't have any till they need it is worse But seriously, I wanna look great, lol (not for revenge purposes, cause I don't have an ex-gf and haven't ever even had a gf )


I'll never use an excuse like that on anyone. I would never disrespect them is that fashion.


Couldn't agree more... I hate it when ppl play with feelings like that

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I am with kungfu, when are the tables going to turn. But honestly I dont' know if we really want that or if we want peace inside our hearts so that we can meet some wonderful who will allow us to forget about the past and focus on the future. Then our ex's will probably realize that we didn't deserve to be let go but maybe they will learn a valuable lesson on how to work on a relationship instead of bail out when it gets a bit rough.

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we want peace inside our hearts


Although the table turning is more fun, I have to say I'd prefer the peace... it's something I can't have sometimes. But they're really awkward situations for me (they're not about ex's or relationships...). And I only can say that I found peace for most of them but a couple and I'm gonna work so that it never happens again. But the peace I want the most is with myself. And I think that the day will come when I finally feel like I'm comfortable with myself and do what I want. And that will be the day I find my peace... Anybody feel like that too? I know it's kinda out of topic, so feel free to slap me.

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D E, I understand your wanting to feel peace within but I am not sure what seems to be giving you that uneasyness. For me personally it is to be able to completely forget about my ex and truly, and I mean truly understand that I will meet a wonderful women who will brighten my day as much as I brighten hers. I do comend you on at least realizing that the main things in our life ist the fact we have peace and harmony in ourlseves. If this happens it will explode out like a shockwave and anybody who you come in contact with will experience it. I know because I have experienced it from both sides but now I want it all the time. Feel free to talk more about your problem D E. I'll listen

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Thank you very much for offering your help. But the year is over and well, I guess those things are over (hopefully... hope no more weird stuff going on next year). And well, I guess what's done is done and no point in fixing it (and I doubt I'll ever see those persons again). I can't say I know what was going on, though, but I guess all's good now cause it's in the past. Besides, maybe it was just me overanalyzing. Thanks anyway. Best wishes.

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