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Nasal cancer in 14-year-old kitty


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I shared some about my cat's issues, here:


What has changed in the three months since then, is that we do now have a firm cancer diagnosis.  Cat is down to 5 pounds give or take a few ounces and we are seeing an animal oncologist as of the beginning part of June.  The cat has had two chemo treatments, third one is scheduled on Wednesday.  This has been very stressful not to mention hard to navigate all while still trying to have a life.  Kids and I are planning on being out of town later this week into the beginning of next week, and I am now planning on coming back for a couple days (about a four-hour drive one way) plus we have someone coming in once a day to check on things, on the days I'm not here.  The kids will (or should be) okay by themselves for a couple days, they're young adults now.

This is also very expensive as I knew it would be.  This is actually my daughter's cat and we are sharing the cost so that neither of us has to go broke, ha!  I don't know how wise it is to spend all this money but I've always felt that money is means to an end, but not the end.  So I'm trying not to think about what I could've done with that money. I can't in good conscience give up yet, but honestly she seems to be declining slightly even though I've heard that cats tolerate chemo quite well (I'm not sure . . . she threw up her steroids the two days following her last treatment).  The oncologist knows this and I'll update them again tomorrow.  It also looks like the mass is spreading to her other eye.   We've been told this might buy her a year.  I can't gauge if this is "worth it" or not.

Some days I/we have trouble getting the cat to eat, and she acts lethargic and I think oh boy, this is it . . . and then the next day (or maybe the day after) we'll see a marked improvement.  Yesterday was not such a great day, today is marginally better, and my fear last night was that I'd wake up and find her dead.  I have this fear a lot. 😞  

So I'm just giving an update and documenting my journey with this.  I remember calling the kitty oncologist back in March (?) and them telling me she couldn't be seen until June, and thinking "she will never make it that long without treatment."  But she has.  So far.



kitty on couch.jpg

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Oh so very sorry, I have known other owners with similar problems with their babies. I don't know what causes it. Sounds like this baby is in good hands with you and has a wonderful life thanks to you. You are doing the best that you can please know that. I have lost so many kitties of my own over the years, and each one had different health issues. Its so hard. 

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The animal oncologist opted not to do the chemo treatment yesterday, and we made the difficult decision to pursue pain killers and plan to schedule her to be put down early next week--assuming she makes it that long without eating or drinking.  😞  

Ugh.  This is the difficult part of pet ownership.

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6 minutes ago, waffle said:

The animal oncologist opted not to do the chemo treatment yesterday, and we made the difficult decision to pursue pain killers and plan to schedule her to be put down early next week--assuming she makes it that long without eating or drinking.  😞  

Ugh.  This is the difficult part of pet ownership.

 I am so sorry. ❤️

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3 hours ago, waffle said:

The animal oncologist opted not to do the chemo treatment yesterday, and we made the difficult decision to pursue pain killers and plan to schedule her to be put down early next week--assuming she makes it that long without eating or drinking.  😞  

Ugh.  This is the difficult part of pet ownership.

I’m terribly sorry 😞 lots of hugs and comfort! Your kitty will thank you for not letting her suffer. It may not seem like it but you’ll feel relief amongst the sadness. I know I did when Emma was put down. 

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I'm sorry.

I just went through this in October. It's heartbreaking, but I couldn't stand to see my precious kitty suffering and struggling anymore.

The vet told me she will be waiting for me when it's my time to go. I know she will be. And yours will be too.

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I left town and came back last night, and am leaving again tomorrow mid-day.  Back on Monday afternoon-ish.  I made an appointment at our local vet for Wednesday evening (they have evening hours every Monday and Wednesday but Monday had no availability) but she is very weak and I'm not sure she'll make it that long.  The kids want to be there so that complicates things with their work schedules.  It's hard to know how long she realistically has so the vet gave me an emergency number in case things get really bad, and things appear to be heading in that direction.

However, I did see her drink a fair amount out of her water dish last night, and more this morning.  She didn't eat anything though, and hasn't for over a week that I know of.  Down to less than 5 pounds.

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Her cancer fight ended last night.  We took her to our local vet who ended her suffering.  I told her that she was strong and brave, and that I was proud of her and she had been a good kitty for us.  Glad she is no longer in pain and I don't have to worry about her.


Waffel's kitty, 2008-2022
(photo cred: one of the kids)

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Aw...my heart is breaking just a bit for you. I know exactly how this feels.

But ultimately you showed her the greatest love possible, which is not wanting to prolong her suffering. 

She's going to be there waiting for you when it's time for you to join her. And trust me, she knows how much you love her.

Sending you a virtual hug.

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