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Please no judgment--i need recommendations for a spy app that actually works

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Without going too much into the back story, I can't stop being tormented by a past betrayal and I really don't want to lose this relationship if he's not doing anything

On the other hand if he is I really need to know so I can get out of this.


I don't mind paying for a program if it actually works so I'm looking for a mobile spy app, one I can install on his phone without it being visible to him and Ideally I would like to see texts, calls and messenger messages.

I don't know what rooting a phone means so I'd rather not have to do that..


I'd appreciate any tips, thanks!

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No, sorry, I won't recommend anything because what you're doing is wrong and unfair. I understand it really hurts to be cheated on but you're bringing so much past baggage into this new relationship. This guy is a new person, he is not your ex. Unless someone actually shows you that you can't trust them, e.g. they do something wrong, you just have to trust them. How would you feel if you found out your partner was doing this to you in secret? You wouldn't like it, right? It's a complete violation of trust and personal privacy.

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