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I was going out with my bf for about a year and he asked me to marry him, I said yes. We loved each other very much. The thing of all of this is, he moved and now i cant see or talk to him for various reasons. I would have to put up with this for three years, if i wouldnt have broke it off. Now that i have been with another guy and been away from my ex for so long, I'm missing him. I really want to get back together with him but i dont know how. I'm really not sure if he'll take me back because of what i did to him, I really need help. Can anyone help me?

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I was going out with my bf for about a year and he asked me to marry him, I said yes. We loved each other very much. The thing of all of this is, he moved and now i cant see or talk to him for various reasons. I would have to put up with this for three years, if i wouldnt have broke it off. Now that i have been with another guy and been away from my ex for so long, I'm missing him. I really want to get back together with him but i dont know how. I'm really not sure if he'll take me back because of what i did to him, I really need help. Can anyone help me?


The first thing you're going to have to do is make contact. How far away does he live? If it's more than 60 miles, realize that LDR's are doomed to fail without a plan for either one or the other person closing the gap (i.e. moving closer).


How can you create contact, without letting him know your intentions. You can't go from no contact to a full blown relationship - don't tell him this either or you'll scare him. The first thing you'll have to do though, is create contact. After a few contacts, you'll get a feel for the situation. You can say things like, "I like our conversations." If you get a good reaction, ask him if he wants to meet up somewhere. The bottom line though, is it starts by making that initial contact. So do it.

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