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I always want what I can't have when it comes to love

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Sure, I've had my crushes here and there, but when I finally find the perfect guy there's always tons of problems and reasons of why I can't be with them. It has nothing to do with the way I look, or my personality, but other things. And now, especially this time, I really need advice. See, I really like this 18 year old boy, and he likes me too. But he has a girlfriend right now . We had even liked each other before he started going out with her. But he didn't want to go farther then flirting and being friends with me, because I was only 14 and he said that was too young right now. So he started going out with her, and told me as soon as I was older he would dump her for me. Well I turned 15, but it's summer time now. I never get to see him. I only talk to him on the phone every week. But they're still going steady. And I know I'm in love with him. He's perfect. But there are other problems too. My parents won't let me date yet. I live the most sheltered life when it comes to boys. I have even had to sneak out to be with him at night before. I don't think he wants to put up with that either. What am I supposed to do about his girlfriend and my parents? I don't even get along with his girlfriend and he knows it. He just doesn't understand why. I've never really came out and told him that I like him more than a friend. Shoud I? I need advice quick![/code]

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well i dunno here he is way older i dunno i wouldnt go with u either cuz if he lays a finger on u he kisses u or anything if anyone found out he could go to jail u knwo maybe its lust not love i dunno and it kinda seems he isnt to interested in u like that and u know i would jsut settle down and wait cuz i dont think u and him will hook up anytime soon and yes i would tell him how u feel it might help but i dont think so im sry to say but u should go for someone ur age rage aight


the go to guy


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i think maybe u should just hold of a little i mean if he has a girlfriend and all but ive been in the same boat b4 andi kinda just said screw the girlfriend and went after him here i ended up just gettin used and hurt .. but if u think hes the 1 for u then dont let nething stop u .. ur parents they adjust ..

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