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I really need help on this situation with my ex girlfriend.. it's been 2 days, and we didn't talk at school yesterday, but after school she IM'ed me at 2 different times.


Today she came up to me, and we all talked in a group of friends. I still have strong feelings for this girl, due to the fact I was with her for 5 months, and I am pretty close to her family now too. Her sister especially, even her sisters boyfriend, loves me. It's really hard to cope with too.


Her friends love me, and say hi to me in the halls now too.

I want my ex to like me again, I want to be able to get back together with her, and have continue on with our relationship. My mom loves her.. and her sister told me yesterday that she would go home and tell her family all about me.. and what we did at our house, and how fun it was. It kills me to think I will lose this..


She still wants to keep our plans this weekend, 5 of us friends (including her) are watching fireworks/ then parade the next day.. and then hanging out at my house for the night. Is this a good thing, for me?? could this be my chance to show her that I can be like I was when we first started going out, funny/nice. I think she felt that we were just friends.. so she broke it off. But she has to have some feelings right??


What can I do? She is the only one I want. Please help!

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"if you love something, let it go, if it comes back to you, thats how you know.."

very famous saying with a TON of truth and meaning. She may just be afriad of taking the next step in a realtionship, or "second base". She might fear that you will want things from her that she is just not ready to give out yet. She needs her time, so be there, and be her friend. I know its hard for you, but is she loves you as much as you do her, she'll be back. be her best friend. My sister's wedding had the best slogan--

"Today I will Marry my Best Friend."

My Fiance is my best friend.

Sometimes you have to be best friends first, then the best of lovers!

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Alright, thanks a lot roofer!

I totally understand what you're saying. Maybe she wasn't ready.. or just needs time on her own, we still talk everyday. I came up to her and her frineds today and we had a very funny conversation. Then later on, she came up to me. We are really close, and can talk very easily.


I guess I am a little worried that summer will come before we totally patch things up, and she will just stop trying...

I want to be with her in the summer, but there is still 2 weeks of school and then exams. So maybe in this time, we can patch things up.


She, and some friends are coming over saturday night, so im just going to be a great host, be funny, charming, and just show her that I am still attractive. She sent me an email the other day saying how badly she wanted to stay friends because she loves hanging out with me.


Maybe she still has slight feelings for me, and I can work on those?

I am not mentioning anything about us.. and I am just being a cool, funny, fun to be around guy. I am also talking to other girls. .but not flirting, so she see's that I am attractive.

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Don't get ur hopes up high, even though u might want this really bad... You might be setting yourself up for a crash... She sent u a email telling u how great it is that ur friends... That's prolly all she wants from u now. I would think about this some... *Can You really JUST be friends?*

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