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i cry when i get my period!!

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im not sure if this is completely true, but i've heard there is a sort of pill, it might even be the contraceptive pill, im not completely sure, but it makes them less heavy, and it also does something to your hormones, so it will reduce the need to cry, n may also help with your other symptoms.

have you tried painkillers for your stomach?

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I hate to tell you but everything you are experiencing is normal. Have you considered birth control? Being on the pill isn't just to practice safe sex but it can also lighten the cramping, blood flow, and muscle pains associated with "the time of the month".


As for your stomach, watch the amount that you eat and what you eat (layoff the "gotta haves..."). If you get really nausea try lying down with a heat pad on your stomach. Also, if you lay in a fetal (crunch) position and alternate sides that may help with the bloating


Ah, the wonderful world of womanhood! Good Luck!

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Yup. Birth control pills will help ease some of those symptoms, but if that is not an option for you here are a couple other things:


>Hot bath or shower

>Ibuprofen (I usually go with 800mg every 4-6hrs...this would be equivilent to prescription strength, but about 2x what the OTC package dosage instructions are)

>If you have a fairly regular cycle, avoid high fat, salty & pickled foods about 2 weeks before you expect your period to start

>Regular exercise really does help, but it will take several months before you notice


From a purely subjective stance, the cramping/nausea/hell of the first day have eased up A LOT as I got older. When I was in high school, the first day was a wash....as I got into my 20's & 30's I was still uncomfortable, but it was bearable. As I'm in my 40's it's much more tolerable.

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Actually sit-ups will ease the cramping and it doesn't take months. Doing 50 a day will definitely help the cramping, but of course, if you are just starting this, try just doing 30 in a minute first.


If you just started and did 30 in a minute, your stomach might be quite sore the next day. Just rest until your stomach feels normal and continue. By then, your stomach won't feel sore. Don't do this when you are having your period though.


And yeah, I'll suggest that you start after your period and if you continue to do the sit-ups, the next period won't be that painful.

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