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Any of you get nervous in voice or face?

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So any of you have any stries about how you get nervous when speaking with girls? LIke I want to hear from people who always get nervous at first, and how they think it shows.

Also anybody with good embarrasing stories of how they were so nervous that they totally looked like a fool.

If you describe how you get embarrased please describe exactly what shows. LIke does your face twitch, your voice get all nervous, are you not able to get words out, etc.

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I remember one time when I called a girl to set up a date, this was a few years ago. I was so nervous that I couldn't even really speak anymore. So what I had to do was say "Oh I'll call you back something came up" and I got off the phone.


I than had to bascially wait 20 minutes to regain my composure, actually went outside, and had to walk around the front of my house to do the call. But it went without any problems when I called back.

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Never asked out a girl . But hopefully I'm still allowed to reply.


My face always turns red, and sometimes my voice becomes too quiet. I'm trying to act more confident though. I remember when I had a lot more confidence in the sixth grade, and I had a crush on this guy. I was trying to keep a conversation with him, he said something like, "At our house, we have 4 different Christmas trees." He was rich and had a big house.

I said, "Oh! You must be really religious!" and he gave me an odd look.

Another time I was walking to the pencil sharpener and decided to flash my crush (same guy) a smile, I did so, and then just tripped and fell on the floor. Right out of nowwhere


I was planning on talking to this guy recently, he was working behind the counter (some fast food place- not the chinese place) and I decided to rest my elbow on the counter, and I apparently misjudged the distance

because my elbow didn't go down on the counter. Instead, I leaned to far and hit my chin. I ran out so quickly, and didn't try to approach any new people for a while. I don't even know how I managed to do something so stupid, you'll notice that I do a lot of stupid things all the time though if you notice my sig. But I learn things from them, and you should too! Really, telling her you'll call her back was a smart thing to do! You stopped yourself from saying something stupid or having an awkward 20 minute silence.

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Woman if they sense you are nervous will usually look at you as weak and they will naturally lose attraction for you. A womans dream guy is not going to be some wimp who gets nervous speaking with her, trust me.


I do not totally agree with your statement. Yes, having your dream guy become nervous when he talks to you is more then likely on the bottom of the "perfect list". However, I disagree that women will see you as a wimp, but rather become frustrated at the lack of communication resulting in your nervousness.


Coming from a girl's point of view, I too become nervous around certain guys & I also find myself coming up with "pre-planned escape routes". With a certain guy I am currently interested in; I get really nervous ONLY when I have to call him. When we speak in person I am fine or if he has called me, I do not get nervous. Usually, I walk outside for a few minuets then I calm my nerves by listening to music before I call him.



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Sup eddie500, long time no see, this is LtA..changed my name due to possible chance of being known.


Ummm..anyways, I thought I'd throw in my story...well when I was first getting over being nervous around girls, it happened slowly, but ...I was still too nice at first. I ended up getting this one girls number before the end of my winter quarter and told her we should hang out sometime and keep in touch. She gave it to me, and I waited like 5 days, found a concert, and thought I'd ask her to go.


Hah well I prepped myself and I literally held my cell in my hand for like 20 mins as I was walking around the room, I had her number in my phone and all I had to do was hit the little green button lol. I was pacing and finally..I just hit it, and she answered not really remembering me...which was BS I thought. She remembered tho, then I was just talking to her about the exam we both had taken to see how she'd done, and then she mentioned that she was going away that weekend to visit her brother at another college....then stupid me still nervous...asked her if she wanted to go out that weekend, THEN I remembered she had just said she was going away, so I was like...oh nvrmind halfway thru my sentence, felt like and idiot....and she was acting like she didnt really wanna talk to me,...almost like she was blowing me off, and talked for like another min. and hung up. To this day I still haven't spoken to her again....lol.


Ahh the good old days...I got out of that phase due to a total accident tho...some girl really pissed me off and I ended up somehow breaking out of being shy from that experience and she and I went out(you know the story eddie). That's my story...never make the same mistake twice tho.

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I understand droptozero about the phone thing. I find the more you think about it, the more nervous you get. The trick is to just do it, and then you have no choice but to speak etc.


In the past I used to be hostile when nervous (like if a girl I liked asked what I was doing that weekend, I might get defencive and tell her it's none of her business).


I'm not really shy anymore though - I've learnt to just start, and then you can't really stop - for example if your gonna ask someone out, I'll just shout out there name, then I have no choice but to carry on the conversation.

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Well, it really depends.. If u know the girl, and uve been talking to her for a while..a few weeks or so daily, and you guys flirt alot..then for me its not hard to ask them out.. recently this happened and i simply told her to come towards me (she sat infront of me) i told her to lean back, and i whispered in her ear *Whats your number* and she wrote it down for me..simple as that.


But then again if its a girl im cravin and i never talk to her..and i was to just go up to her and ask her out.. i would for sure be nervous..but who wouldnt? I get nervous to the point where i sweat but nothing more than that..and its not really noticeable that im sweating.. i just get all hot inside hehe.

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The one and only time I asked a girl out I actually was nervous until I actually spoke the words, then it seemed super easy. For me anyways, just leading up to it can be the most nerve-racking part. I always saw her for a minute or two between 3rd and 4th period/lunch (we also had, well, still have class together). The most tense moments for me were actually the minute before the bell rang to end 3rd period. Then once it rang I thought to myself, "Ok, play it cool." Pressure was suddenly off, and I always approached her as I left class (her class is adjacent to mine). With her I always did this sort of light punch/nudge on her side when I approached her (kind of like a Heeeey).

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Speaking of Nervousness


Just recently I've been meeting with this girl.. I'm not sure where I stand with this girl becuase we were paired together through the university.


Anyway after we were out afterwards I go into her place for the first time to use the phone.. After my phone call I was just ready to leave was not expecting anything. She than said to me come and sit over here, next to her. This was totally unexpected that I got super super nervous!


I went over and sat down.. I was so nervouss that I had to say "your making me really nervouss, what is this" in a kind of funny way, but I was serious I was so nervous. I cold barely speak.

than after saying that I calmed down.. But I probably looked like a total

unconfident wimp.

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LOL Yep, getting the courage to call a woman and ask her out has to be the most nerve racking thing Ive ever done. Last year I called this girl on my lunch break after I paced around in a room by myself and got her answering machine. Well I imediatly hung up and thought I was off the hook. Then she called me back a hour later. When I saw her on the caller ID I felt I was completely unprepared, like i had my pants down. I answered, then asked if she was busy, she said "uh im at work", (i felt stupid, obviously she wasent too busy to call me back) Then I said Oh Ill call you back later. Well after some phone tag and the phone dropping connections, I finally asked her out. And I have never been so nervous in my life, im sure she could pick it up. She did say yes but stood me up. Mission kinda accomplished. Atleast she knows I like her, and I kinda broke the Ice. Anyway you got you get out the nest and flap your wings at some point.

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I spent most of my night at work working up to asking this girl out. I was on break and she was heading out to soke and I joined her. We chatted for a bit then I took a deep breath and asked her out for the weekend. She had an almost immediate yes. It's hard to work up the courage, but the payoff can be amazingly uplifting. I had a horrible day and now the end isn't going to be so bad.


You just gotta dive in head first sometimes.

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That reminds me rionmccloud of a similiar time for me.

I worked out what to say when I was going to ask this girl out, but when the time actually came, she said yes before I even finished my sentance, like she had been waiting for me to ask her, but this caused my brain to get confused, as I didn't think she would be predicting what I would say, and say yes. Unknowing what to do, I carried on asking her out like I planned, eventhough she already said yes. LOL.

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When I get nervous, my stomach gets all jittery and well I know this is weird and probably really gross for a girl to admit, but I fart. I guess it's because my stomach is clinching. Well I know before I talk to guys I like, I always plan out everything I have to say. One time I was so nervous I wrote it down so I wouldn't feel like an idiot on the phone. I know one thing that has really helped me out being more comfortable around guys is making a lot of guy friends cause now I feel more relaxed. And when I say something stupid I can actually laugh at it instead of wanting to run away.


maybe you can help me, my question is "Needing advice from the guys"

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