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Im very flat chested and always will be according to the females in my family. I hate talking about my body dispite im actually quite happy with my wieght. The only thing that gets my down is my breasts. I dont even have a cleavage when i lean over and squeze mt arms together!

Ive never really discuced this with anyone till out of the blue my mum said that if she was my age she would have opted for surgery on the NHS. She says that with my size i could get a breast enlargment. She also told my that growing up she always was conscious about her size.

Ive had clinic depression about my body before but that was caused by an ex bouyfriend. Recently though I over herd two of my male friends joking about how small i was... one I was in a relationship with

I want this but im not sure how I go about doing it. Im not sure if the doctors will consider my case because i find it hard to talk about my body. Ive had councilling before and that hasent helped with my body issues. What do I do?

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Most reputable doctors will evaulate your mental health before they let you have implants. It's not a magic thing, that your life will improve so much overnight.


The other thing is, you are still growing and developing. To get them now would be premature. I think it may be best to wait until you are 20-21, and then evaluate then what you'd like to do.


If you do decide to do it, you should go to the best surgeon you can find, ask to meet other women he's worked on. Don't just go by photos. Ask to meet them in person. And remember - less is more. If you are slender, even a B cup will look dramatic on you.


On another note, that is really really mean of that guy were you seeing making fun of you like that. I feel like that's a deal-breaker. He should be sticking up for you! Not talking about you behind your back.

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At your age most doctors will not be willing to do it until you are older. As well, most will do a mental health check before proceeding - I read a study where women who got breast enhancements had a much much higher suicide rate then those who did not. Often likely due to low self esteem issues, and depression, and then discovering having larger breasts did NOT make those go away.


Please also note they are expensive and do not last forever - you will have to get them redone every 10 years or so - that adds up to a lot of surgeries over the years!


Find a reputable surgeon and arrange a consultation with him if you want to go through with it, but first I hope you also stop listening to what other people tell you and think about yourself. Having smaller breasts has many of their own advantages too! And many men love them regardless of their size.


Work on your INSIDE first, and then evaluate if they are still wanted - they are not a magic cure.

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Your mother's behavior is reprehensible. Your bf's behavior was far worse. Personally, there are quite a number of beautiful women with very small breasts. Natalie Portman and Claire Dames are both pretty small. Also, many guys i know including myself, find boob surgery a turn off. However if you must have bigger boobs, wait until you are at least 21. You will know for sure what you want by then.

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Yeah... my mom's been telling me since I was 6 that I need a nose job. My nose has a bump. Actually, everytime she says it, I am happier with how I look - it's had the opposite effect on me. It just makes me feel sorry for her, that she is like that. Besides, my nose is mine, I like it, and changing it wouldn't go well with my face.


RayKay is right - it won't make things go away. Even if you get a bigger chest, then you may have to deal with people snickering behind your back about your fake boobs, like Napoleon said. You have to develop a thick skin.


The best candidates for this type of surgery are women who are really happy with themselves, and the boobs are just a small thing they'd like to have different.


For example, I was watching some TV show, about women who wanted breast implants. The best candidate I saw was a married woman, mother of 2 kids. She and her husband had a good marriage, she had a good job, great kids. She was in her 30s, and was flat, and decided that for her upcoming 10th anniversary, her husband and her wanted to go on a cruise, and she wanted to have just a little bit of breasts for her bathing suit and tank tops. So, she got a small B, and couldn't have been happier.

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A boob job is not the cure for your physical insecurities. You won't go from being physically insecure, to physically secure with a boob job. It may give you more security, but as you know being a secure person comes from your brain. How you handle yourself and how you deal with people is what makes you a secure person.


As for getting a boob job, you can do it at 18 and many do here in California. I've heard of a few people even getting it as a gift for their 18th birthday. I'm not saying you should or should not, but before you go under the knife you should work on raising your own self-esteem. By the way, I've never seen or heard of a man passing up a girl because her chest was too flat. Have you?

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I agree with everyone else. I've always been on the small side, but I'm still happy with them.


I had a friend that was a DD, and she was absolutely miserable. Guys would like her for all the wrong reasons AND she had back problems. She couldn't get a reduction- she had no insurance and not enough money (no real family). I just wish I could help her. But yeah, just be happy your problem is not the opposite.


Anyways, I think reduction for health reasons should only be done as far as the breasts go. No enlargements. Otherwise, what are you fixing? My boobs don't get in my way. Breasts are breasts. I'm an 32 A, proud as hell, everyone should be.


I've had boyfriends laugh about it, a lot of people. When we were younger people would laugh because my younger sister's breasts were larger than mine. But it never bugged me or made me self-conscience. I really have never cared what anyone thought about me. Everyone has something they don't like on their body every once in a while- Some find it worse than others. I just really try to take their comments lightly, because that's how they usually are intended. Have you ever told them that you don't like their jokes?


If you're going to do it, I'd say atleast make sure you're going to do it for you and noone else.


Lastly, who cares about what an ex says? He's probably an ex for a reason. And most guys don't like implants. A lot of them think it's gross. I've asked many guys and some said they wouldn't touch a girls breast if it was fake.

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I've asked many guys and some said they wouldn't touch a girls breast if it was fake


I am not advocating her get breast implants for HER reasons stated, but I disagree with your statement. I think those men were not being exactly truthful.

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in response to the previous comment. if i was a guy i would be turned off by fake boobs. theres nothing flattering about boobs that dont move like boobs & stick out like 2 snowballs on top of her chest. i think boob jobs look terrible. no matter how "good the Dr." b/c its stretching your skin & it just doesnt look natural. but you do what you got to do...im glad that guy is your EX BOYFRIEND.


but like it was said before this isnt going to work 'magic'...work on your insecurities first. b/c lets say u are uncomfortable w/ your body...you get a boob job...next thing, youll be insecure with your nose, your butt, your theighs etc.....as the cliche' says; beauty comes from within.


and mind you there is also health risks with this operation, not only with the chemicals they use in the implants, but people have died during plastic surgery...my opinion is never go under the knife unless its life threatening & you have to.


and just a heads up, my mom was flat when she was young & 'the girls' grew bigtime once she got pregnant & stayed with her for years!!!!!!!!! now that she lost some weight in the past 2 yrs theyve shrunken & are average size now but just take into concideration.


oh & if/when you get pregnant 1: you are NOT allowed to breast feed & 2: they may grow on their own (and may not only be temporarily). and 3: what happens once you get older & your skin starts to sag....how would they look then???? this is a lifelong commitment unless you pull a Pamela Anderson or a Britney Spears & get them removed, but if you ever plan on getting them removed or get them smaller...why do it in the first place?


just a heads up.



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Another thing I thought of - if you are thin you may want to stick with what you have.


If you have low body fat, implants look TERRIBLE on women....like oranges or grapefruits bolted on to your chest...there is a site that has pics of horrendous implants that while sometimes they look okay while covered up, nude...ugh.


You need some body fat to make them look good/natural. So if you are thing, take pride in your own individual feminitity - having big breasts does not make you more of a woman then small breasts!


There also many other risks including capsular contracture (where breast turns hard and strange due to scar tissue around implant turning hard), botched surgeries, infection, rupture and so on. Weigh your options and choices very carefully.

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Another thing I thought of - if you are thin you may want to stick with what you have.


If you have low body fat, implants look TERRIBLE on women....like oranges or grapefruits bolted on to your chest...there is a site that has pics of horrendous implants that while sometimes they look okay while covered up, nude...ugh.


You need some body fat to make them look good/natural. So if you are thing, take pride in your own individual feminitity - having big breasts does not make you more of a woman then small breasts!


There also many other risks including capsular contracture (where breast turns hard and strange due to scar tissue around implant turning hard), botched surgeries, infection, rupture and so on. Weigh your options and choices very carefully.


and scars...ewww.



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I think someone who wants plastic surgery should do it purely for themselves, not to impress other people. Or, if they decide to keep their bodies the way they are, they should do it for themselves, not because "most men don't like fake boobs."

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Chai a large number of men don't like boob implants. It's one thing to tell a girl you don't like them, but me and my other guy friends talk to each other about this all the time when no girls are present. Men like real boobs.


Napoleon, I agree. I know that a large number of men do not like them. The majority of men do though, I think. If you see how Corporate America markets many of their products, especially during football season, you would agree that a large percentage of men do like big boobs, whether they're real or fake.


To get back to the original poster though, no worthy man will not decline a woman because she has a small chest. Historically, the women I go for tend to have smaller chests, but it's not even a factor in my decision. The things I desire (and I'm sure most men as well) have nothing to do with their chest size. I look for intelligence, wife potential, sense of humor, and shared values. There's more too, but as you can see the things I look for have nothing to do with their chest size.

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  • 1 month later...
So the jury is in. Keep your small breasts. They are just as fun to play with and suck as the bigger ones (sometimes they look even nicer) and as an additional plus, you don't have to worry about choking on them if they bounce.


Agreed, except for the choking part. I'm not sure any woman has ever choked on her own breasts. All sizes are fun though.

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