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Hey! Want to know MY dreams? -snicker snicker-

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Writer Right now, I'm working on a book for young adults called Finding God (whether you believe or not it's still a good story) which is about a girl named Synasia (meant to symbolize my depressed side) who is lost in the crowd, has a torn up home life, and so on and so forth. A girl named Evanee (meant to symbolize the real me) slips in and out of her life but all the while changing it forever.


It is through her actions and her friendship that Synasia finds herself fixing her relationships, herself, and her life. Evanee is the free spirited girl we all want to be who acts silly a lot, is kind to everyone and not afraid to say anything (most of all nice things because you may be surprised at how many people are just afraid of being nice) breaking stereotypical boundaries and opening many doors to love that Syn has never known.


I want this book to make others feel free to be themselves... and to just be free including everything I've learned in life that has helped me with so much deeper things. Let's not act like strangers towards each other any more! Let's reach out and love! (altho im talking very lightly right now, it itself is actually very deep)


Wife I want to get married young (like 25 or so) and have many years just to enjoy with my husband until we decide to have kids. I really dont think this'll be a problem because people seem to fall for me easily


Mother I want to be a stay home mom as long as possible. I will never yell at my kids but rather talk and explain to them the reasons why certain things are wrong, treat them with respect! I will always strive to be understanding and I will teach them so much about life and love. I will teach them to influence others and to be a light in the darkness.


They shant be allowed to watch TV or play on the internet because those types of entertainments distract us too much from life ( I should know... right now instead of fooling around on this website, I should be researching) I want them to play outside with me (we'll live around a lot of woods and have a big yard with many wild flowers) We'll play sports, I'll be creative with that, and games inside. We will interact and talk about everything during dinner and stuff... and I shall moniter their homework and even if they say they finished it in school, I shall reply with,


"There's always something to do. You have to sit there for an hour anyway so you should find something" and I will make sure they sit there and so they will inevidably have to do homework or atleast some extra studying because nobody likes to do nothing.


And I will make them have a social life! I'll make them start calling their friends and giving out invitations early in life as kids so they can develop long lasting friendships earily as well as social skills.


I will have four children:

Olivia, Alicia, Elijah and Jack


and yes, i know this all sounds like silly and kiddish dreams but it so fun to do!


The end!

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The independence of kids, mainly. I mean your plan for raising a family is commendable, but it can only work out for so long. No matter how pure a household you construct, they still can't escape the outside world and will always want to know what's out there. Kids learn through exploration, so you really can't curb that.


Yours and mine are probably the last generation that will ever have a chance at an ideal childhood. Looking back, my parents worked so hard to hide parts of the world from me...parts that nowadays you can't avoid, and can't explain away.


I don't want to stop you from trying, just warning you, you'll give yourself an anyeurism. And those are bad.


And by the way, when I say pure, I mean in the typical Judeo-Christian sense of morality.

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It's better though if I explain to them about life and give them advice before the world can get to them. I would never hold knowledge from them and would gladly discuss anything with them whenever the time calls for it (or better yet, before) sharing my own personal experiences and what I learned so that when in the situation, they can learn from me (because there isnt enough time in life to learn everything from your own mistakes)


As hyper and childish as I sound, I do know what I'm talking about. I've been reflecting much on parenthood and things I wish my parents would do and would have done



The independence of kids, mainly. I mean your plan for raising a family is commendable, but it can only work out for so long. No matter how pure a household you construct, they still can't escape the outside world and will always want to know what's out there. Kids learn through exploration, so you really can't curb that.


Yours and mine are probably the last generation that will ever have a chance at an ideal childhood. Looking back, my parents worked so hard to hide parts of the world from me...parts that nowadays you can't avoid, and can't explain away.


I don't want to stop you from trying, just warning you, you'll give yourself an anyeurism. And those are bad.


And by the way, when I say pure, I mean in the typical Judeo-Christian sense of morality.

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There's so much that kids aren't ready to learn when they're still curious though. So much of how the world works takes a very mature mind to grasp, and the trouble is kids are growing up faster and faster when they shouldn't be. I mean, take you and me for example. Would we have happened, had the world still been young and innocent?

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Trust me, I will explain things in ways they will understand, depending of course, on the age level. Seriously, Dan, what do you think I'm going to do? Go up to my five year old and say,


"Let's have a talk about drugs."


I think you're misunderstanding me... which is understanding because my post in many ways was confusing and rather vague


There's so much that kids aren't ready to learn when they're still curious though. So much of how the world works takes a very mature mind to grasp, and the trouble is kids are growing up faster and faster when they shouldn't be. I mean, take you and me for example. Would we have happened, had the world still been young and innocent?
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There is no such thing as an ideal childhood, everyone will have its ups and downs, its joys and sorrows, its bright spots and problems. What's important is that parents provide love and support, teaching them to be able to handle problems as they come along.





You are a remarkable and mature person, especially for one so young. Don't change. You are going to do great things in your life, I can tell.

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and thankyou!


There is no such thing as an ideal childhood, everyone will have its ups and downs, its joys and sorrows, its bright spots and problems. What's important is that parents provide love and support, teaching them to be able to handle problems as they come along.





You are a remarkable and mature person, especially for one so young. Don't change. You are going to do great things in your life, I can tell.

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