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ex said she'll give me a chance, duno what to do now..

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About 1 Week ago i cheated on my gf for some other girl who was going out with some other guy. At first i wanted this new girl because she was really flirty just lyk myself.

She was going out with an obxious boyfriend that she wanted to break with.

Well my boy sold me out and told me gf. She broke up with me. Now the girl that was flirty broke up with her bf for me.


We are now 2gether. After spending a week wth my new gf, i feel lyk this is lust and not love. I miss my old gf. Everytime i see her in school, i would feel so bad. Me and this new girl broke up now.




I went back to my ex because i realize how much i needed her. AT first she said she moved on and she said she is very disappointed in me. This is the 2nd time i cheated on her too...T.T....2day i asked her if there is still chance for me and she said there is...Just a bit. How should i make this chance revive our relationship.? how can i make her trust me again? Cause i been drinking and stuff and i dare not to cheat again....Need advice

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Don't cheat on people you "care" about, not only is it not fair to them, it hurts' so bad and you can't ease the pain.


But you seem sincere, so I suggest you tell her how sorry you are, how much you love her, and then swear on what-ever you two find holy that you'll never do it again. Good Luck.

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I think that you should apologize to her. If she's not willing to get into a relationship with you again, walk away. You cheated on her twice, are you sure you wouldn't do it again? If you care about her so much, why did you hurt her a second time? Are you sure you aren't just going back to her because she is a habit? Ya know, you're used to hanging out with her, so when you break up and she's gone, you get upset and want to get back with her just to ease that "i miss seeing her pain?

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i already apologized to her. I even wrote her entire street in street chalk and almost got arrested. We started talking again and she said she'll give me one final chance. but how am i suppose to prove to her this time im true. I kno im being true because i never wanted someone so bad that i would hurt myself. I scarred her name on my arm. I used to be a playboy and i can get like 3 girls ryte now but i wont. Because i only want her..

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If youre serious about being in a relationship with her, why are you counting how many girls you could have? Don't get me wrong, I'm glad that you're back with her. If that's what makes you happy and her.


On another note, IMO there is no need to hurt yourself for her. People don't usually find it appealing that their boy/girlfriend just scarred themselves for the other. When you're older, you might not be so happy about your self mutilation. I hate to sound like an adult here, but self mutilation is not a good thing. There are other ways to cope with pain, hurt, loss.... like talking to a friend, supporter, or therapist. Journaling, writing poetry, songs...


Good luck with your relationship, I hope things work out.

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