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What Turns You On?

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Ok, I'm sure this question has been asked before. But, what turns you on? I don't necessarily mean in a bedroom setting either. Possible at work, class, etc. etc.. What do people do (even subconsciously) to get you going? I'm researching this for an article I am writing.

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i normally don't tell people "what turns me on", but for the sake of your article....


What i find a real "turn on" from the opposite sex is a confident smile and serious eye contact and a polite character. when a guy shows sincere interest in me, and not looking for easy sex and cheap thrills! I find that attractive in a guy.

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wow dodger, wait until you get your first view of a heavy-set girl who sees the barbie clones and decides that she wants that kind of attention to so she buys and is wearing that thong one day while you walk by...bending over...and ba-BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM


boys and girls crack kills....*enters moment of silence*


thongs arent sexy, ive seen so many of them in my day that they've lost all excitement (highschool is a big peepshow no joke)


now whats REALLY sexy, is walking up to a girl's door when your mad at her, havin her open it in a tank top and track pants with her granny-pantie lines showin, hair slightly messy but the eye makeup still there...


her smiling, leaning against the doorway, flipping her hair out of her eyes and saying, "is there something i could do for you?" to which your mind responds

" guuuuuhhhhhhh, why am i mad at you again and could you please kiss me"


i mean lets face it, all of those guys who like their girls make-up caked...thong hangin...boobs bustin out...havent been around a woman who looks like she couldnt care less...and not caring is definetly one of the sexiest things a woman could do.



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ok! because im bored ill enter mentally as well!


holding eye contact for more than 5 seconds makes me go weak at the knees.


not figuratively speaking either, when im walkin down a hallway and i catch a girl staring as i walk by with a wry little smile on her face i literally stumble each and everytime lol.


So ladies dont be afraid to let your crush catch you starin, nothin gets the nerves goin more than being stared at, and nerves usually end up in a certain gesture along the lines of....


"wow i cant believe im doing this but your really pretty, could i have your........."


staring FTW



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For me, it's all about presense and attitude. I can't resist a guy who presents a witty, slightly kocky, yet charmingly sweet challenge! I like a guy who's a little bit of a mystery- a guy who isn't shallow and has a lot of layers to discover. It's like psychological foreplay for me!

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hmm, at uni i had knew a girl who was good at purring lol. i don't know, she just did this kind of "mmmm" thing that was really soothing.


signs that she's interested are a turn on. i like it when she goes slightly red in the face. when she does the touching her face a lot when she's looking at me. it's a bit of an ego boost.

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Mental: Wit, high intelligence, cultured, confidence (not co*kiness), chivalry (opens doors, pulls out chairs), and a guy can go toe-to-toe with me on the double entendres and loves me for my mind.


Physical: Magnetic eye contact, pleasant masculine scent, broad shoulders, strong arms, and uh...large hands.


Yum! 8)

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Hahaha, be ready for a novel on what turns me on lol.


Dark hair and brown eyes, a cheeky smile, and i've realised, thick eyebrows.. not guy sebastian caterpillars, just dark, thick eyebrows. I have no idea why. Eyebrow piercings, tongue piercings, and no one wants some skinny little boy who's skinnier than them.. I like sort of, um, musclier guys and thats pretty much all for physical..

as for personality, spontaniousness, chivalry, caring and sweet yet still able to tease you playfully, witty, maybe even a bit shy (but not around me ABLE TO KEEP A CONVERSATION GOING is a good one. A great one, lol.

Just a guy that like, I dont know the words for it, but like, um... a gentleman in the street and a freak in the bed rofl. Sweet and caring and a real gentleman but has this hidden sex appeal, lol


Oh yeah. And being kissed on the neck.

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Honesty, sincerity, a good heart, intelligence, genouristy, someone who stand up for what they believe in and knows is right, someone who is respectful and kind....


Um physical? Honestly, nothing I can think of. If theres a connection between the hearts and minds, then the physical should be good regardless. What someone wears, what they do physically... its' all going to be good because of the person you are with.

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