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How long should I wait to ask?

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Well I want to ask this girl out. I KNOW she likes me as well, so that isn't a problem. The problem is my work schedule. I work at a movie theater, so I'm almost always busy Friday night, and usually on Saturday. This week, I have a play I'm in on Friday, and I have that same play again early Saturday. Saturday night is really the only time we could do anything over the weekend, but I'm sure my employers wouldn't be happy that I didn't do anything on Friday and Saturday, since those are big days for movies.


I have 2 and a half more weeks to school gets out. It will be so much easier to do something then. I can also just wait a week, but then again, I don't know what her schedule will be like. So basically, I know she likes me too, and we've both been kind of flirting with each other all this past week, so I haven't already waited a large amount of time. Is it safe or unsafe to wait a week or two? I don't want to give her the idea I don't like her or anything.

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