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What does this mean?

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We were together for 4 1/2 years and all of a sudden it is over. She says that she still wants to be friends but that we need time to get over each other. The whole no contact thing seems like a good idea but will it do any good if she's trying to get over me too? She ended it with me out of no where and says we need time to get over each other and that she doesn't want a relationship. Is she forcing herself out of my life? I have a previous post that has more on the subject but right now I'm just wondering what this means. I love her so much and can't fathom spending my life without her.

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What reasons did she give you for wanting to break up? It seems a little ambiguous, after 4 1/2 years together you would think you'd have some idea of what happened or some indication that something was wrong.


For now I think you need to, for both of your sakes, give her and yourself the space you both need to get some perpective on this and try to heal. If you keep in touch with one another it is only going to hurt you more and drag out the healing process.

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