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Shes ignoring my calls and texts


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No ididnt continue but when i had called it went through im just wondering if theres a chance i can save this due to the fact that she hasent blocked me.

Leave the woman alone, maintain a professional relationship at work.

Do not bring nothing up when you see her, you already apologised via text.

Keep it strictly work related. It's gonna be hella awkward, hey..if I was in her shoes, I'd probably call out because I just would not be in the mood to face not only the stress of work, but the stress of going on a date with a coworker that went awry,but that's the best advice that can be given.

My question is, why did she as a manager go out with one of her co-workers?!

You just cemented an already bad recipe for disaster.he ruined the professional relationship once she agreed to go out on a date with one of her employees.

Isn't the guidelines?

I'm just sayin'.

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Leave her alone before she slaps a sexual harassment case on you or has you fired or gets a restraining order. She's your manager at work and is actively ignoring your communication. You're fortunate that's all she's doing considering the date debacle and your pestering her with texts and at work. Focus on staying sober and not 'forgetting" your payment methods.

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