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Thumping Heart...

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The cruel dark legions of depression are beginning to take hold of my exhausted body and soul once more.

There is no other way to express my abject despondency, than to pummel my heart.

I care for nothing but love, but this world has utterly failed me time, time and time again.

My heart is just a useless, unwanted device in this cold, harsh place.

It beats for no purpose, it feels for no future.

I was born with a broken heart - a murmur since birth.

I cannot help myself, this pitiful organ, it's of no consequence.

There is no life left in me, there is no love left...

I hope that it will fail me soon, so that no more do I have endure this prison called 'life' - an existence of excrement.

My whole body is cold day and night... Nothing, is left...

Nothing, will ever be, for me...

I'm coming to the end of my life, a short life, daunted by disenchantment.

Why I chose to be incarnated in this lifetime, I've never been able to summise. I feel like I must have been Hitler, Genghis Khan, Atilla the Hun in my past lives, to suffer such unbridled anguish in this karmarized one.

Death will be a release for me... I'll be free, able to fly...

In this world, I'm a prisoner, feeling more dead while I'm alive, than what others consider the real end.

My heart is dying... And soon too, will I be...

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