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Piercings.. anyone else like this?

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This is going to sound quite strange, but well, here goes...


I was just wondering if anyone else has found that they find certain piercings on people making them more attractive or turning them off the person completley??

Because i've realised, that I see these guys, pretty plain looking right, but they'll get their eyebrow/tongue pierced, and its like.. WOW. Puts them into a whole new level of hotness. But then i'll see guys who get that bit between their nostrils pierced, and no matter how good they used to look, it like, ruins them.. makes them look a bit intimidating, I think..


Just wondering if anyone else is like that, or am I just the freak? Lol. And whats it like for guys, too? Seeing girls with their bellybuttons/ears/nose etc pierced.. does that turn you on or off?

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hmm piercings are a turn off for me. when a hot girl gets a piercing on the nose, chin, eyebrow or tongue, she's just ugly. no attraction at all


it can add slight attraction on girls that are plain looking and you don't really notice beforehand, just cause it's an attention grabber. but not really better looking. just more attention grabbing. still worse looking.


so yeah. that's me.

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Hmm.. the guy I've been seeing had his nipples pierced for awhile... his rings are gone now.


An old boyfriend of mine had a piercing in his u-know-what ... I didn't like it...but it was his thing.


I guess I don't judge a guy by his piercings, but I just realized I've dated some freaky guys

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I'll agree Mr. B - but this holds good when we r speaking about girls only ... for guys, things r different ... I don't think piercing is a good idea for guys ... but I know there r people doing that ... & muneca is having some nice experiences as well ...

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Lol... I guess I wont be getting my nose pierced then


Strange how everyone is saying that they find piercings (other than the earlobes) unattractive.. I always thought guys thought that bellybutton piercings and all them were sexi, which was why everyone got them. Meh. =P

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I think a girl who has piercings is HOT!!!!!

1. bellybutton, multiple ear piercings, tongue piercings make me go currrrrrrraaaaaaazzzzzzzzzy!

2. Nose rings are also very very cool. and I love loopy titty rings.

Vagina rings are only okay. Piercings on the chin are cool on some girls. I also like a few tattoos on girls. I think piercings make girls look a little easy and wild. That turns me on. And not just for casual encounters. I wouldn't mind having a gf/wife who had a little sleezy look to her (except it'd be a obstacle any possible future political career, but I am after all, a romantic first) I have a thing for easy looking girls, and I would never get anything pierced or tattoed myself.

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Lol... I guess I wont be getting my nose pierced then


Strange how everyone is saying that they find piercings (other than the earlobes) unattractive.. I always thought guys thought that bellybutton piercings and all them were sexi, which was why everyone got them. Meh. =P


some guys do like peircings, it varies from guy to guy. some guys like sucking toes, some don't.

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Lol... I guess I wont be getting my nose pierced then


Strange how everyone is saying that they find piercings (other than the earlobes) unattractive.. I always thought guys thought that bellybutton piercings and all them were sexi, which was why everyone got them. Meh. =P


some guys do like peircings, it varies from guy to guy. some guys like sucking toes, some don't.




I've always had to wonder about those strange foot fetish people.. then again, I suppose I cant talk, me with my eyebrow-peircing one

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i think piercings r hott! i hav 5 in my ears so thats just me lol

i like the cartilage pierced on guys ears its really cute. i dont think piercings make people look bad. i would never get my tongue pierced it would hurt too bad. im gonna get my bellybutton pirced soon tho! yay... anyways u shouldn't judge people by what they look like. a lot of what people call freaks turn out to be really nice

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One thing that has been clear till now, most normal guys feel that piercing (except ear lobe) is not specially attractive or not even desired, most girls feel the contrary.


Does it mean that girls should stop doing piercing and guys should start doing so ???


For the moderator of this forum, what about starting a poll in this topic ?

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Lol, it looks like alot of people have different opinions on piercings.. just like Sobuj said, the majority of guys on here seem to feel that piercing (except the ear lobe) is not specially attractive or not even desired, meanwhile the majority of girls seem to think the opposite.. Funny how its usually the girls who get things pierced then, isnt it?


It can be a bit strange how people judge other people on their piercings, though. My friend recently got her labret pierced, and she got fired from her job because other people had a problem with it.. um, what? Its not like they were going to be kissing her or anything, so I haven't got any idea how it would've affected them enough to complain.. I wouldn't mind hearing from someone who does judge people 'coz of their piercings so I could understand it more.


To Ash in Black, get your bellybutton done, its so worth it. =D I got mine done because people thought I was just too shy and quiet and could never go through with it, so I was like hah, i'll show you! lol. It gave me the biggest self-confidence boost after, I swear.. luckily I didn't get fired because of it, though.

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I find body art of all forms really attractive on males and females. It's another form of expression. tongue rings and tattoos are especially appealing to me. I think it tells a lot about your personality and it gives people a chance to make their skin their own.


In the end I find it very sexy.. more so tattoos but I feel the same about piercings (as long as you aren't piercing or tattooing every square inch of your body because I find that excessive).

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