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Confusion in Relationship


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My girlfriend and I have been in our relationship for almost half a year now. Something that I've noticed is that she's gradually became considerably more distant and cold when I attempt to communicate with her. I'll send her approximately 10 messages, each containing a sentence or two (I have many things on my mind that I'd like to divulge to her, although nobody else), and she'll respond to me with simply a couple words 10-20 hours later; what does this mean? Also, FYI, I wouldn't send that many messages to anyone else.. I'm only that obsessive with those who I'm in a relationship with, and I could honestly care less about telling anyone my emotions or how quickly they respond (could be never.. doesn't concern me). In the past, we had a very high amount of contention between the two of us, although, a few weeks ago, I decided that I'd stop that so we hadn't had any contention as of late, although it seems to me that she hasn't changed. She's still rude, cold, and distant to me, and told me to "F_ck off" once, totally abruptly, after having a very cordial discourse between the two of us. When in the past, I'd become extremely confrontational because of what she said, and we'd start an argument that would often escalate into a fight. Sometimes, at the end of these fights, she'd tell me that I need to change, and once she even told me that we need to break up, but that's mostly because of a misconception that I needed to clarify and afterwards, she took her word back. So recently, to prevent a break up, because we do really and genuinely love each other, I've been behaving extremely affectionate and nice. I hate being the "nice guy," but I attempted to be such just so that I could determine if she'd change, and then I could hopefully revert into being my normal self. Unfortunately, she didn't change, and I expressed to her how I felt in reaction to what she says, which is PRECISELY what she told me to do instead of perpetuating fights and being "vindictive" (revealing hypocrisy), and she hasn't changed at all. After she told me to F_ck off, I said this: "Please don't say that because it makes me feel bad," and then she responded with "K," and there was NOTHING to instigate that that had ANY validity. We were just having a cordial ing conversation. After she said that and I said that, I felt like bashing her head into a wall repeatedly until she'd sustain brain damage so severe that she'd die a slow and agonizing death (or maybe achieve a lobotomy to un-f_ck up her little head), and then blowing my brains out because I responded in such a p_ssy/b_itch-boy way. I think that women are genetically weaker than men, characteristically submissive by design, and therefore are meant to be led by men. Although I do have a great deal of respect for them at the same time. So, considering that, what I've been doing has been driving me mad. Any advice? Friends tell me that I should just leave her, but I'm going to visit her soon and have a long and serious talk with her, so I think that there's still hope. It's also my decision to leave or continue the relationship, so I'd prefer it if I wasn't told what to do. I'm just seeking insightful answers from experienced people on what's causing the issues that are apparent, and how to resolve them as well. Also, to re-emphasize, I love this girl A LOT and I know that it's mutual, otherwise this would've ended months ago.

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I felt like bashing her head into a wall repeatedly until she'd sustain brain damage so severe that she'd die a slow and agonizing death (or maybe achieve a lobotomy to un-f_ck up her little head), and then blowing my brains out because I responded in such a p_ssy/b_itch-boy way. I think that women are genetically weaker than men, characteristically submissive by design, and therefore are meant to be led by men


you posting for a bit of attention buddy

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