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About to get married

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My fiancee and myself are getting married in 2 1/2 weeks. This past weekend, we took a night away at a local resort hotel, had a nice night out and had a great time. That night, she had a bad dream in which she said that I told her that I didn't want to get married and called it off.


She got pretty shaken by this dream. Anyways, ever since, she has been a little distant and thoughtful, but won't tell me if anything is bugging her, even when I keep asking if something is wrong.


Then, yesterday, she starts asking me if anything is wrong and that I have been distant and moody. Personally, I don't think I have been. If I have been quiet, it has been because she has been, I ask if anything is wrong, I try to cheer her up, and she doesn't really reciprocate. So, given that, I tend to leave her to her own thoughts and assume that is what she wants because I don't know any different from her.


Problem is, she has turned this around a little bit and now I am sort of feeling like I have done something wrong when I don't think I have to be honest. I keep reassuring her that I love her.


She is having issues at work. She hates her boss. Her boss came back this week and she is moody when her boss is around. This may or may not be an issue contributing to it. She is also having her bachelorete party this weekend.


Any clues/advice as to what I should do? Just keep supporting her and telling her I love her, as I do, and just assume she will get over it.



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Continue to be as you were before she had this dream. Dreams can affect people, but then when reality proves to negate the so called "reality" of their dreams, they should come back down from the mental place they once were.

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Sometimes I can get rather affected by dreams - I know they are not "reality" but sometimes the do cause me to feel VERY unsettled inside, and subconsciously start analyzing things.


I had a dream not too long ago where my boyfriend suddenly told me that he had tried very hard to love me but couldn't and a friend of his was trying to talk him out of it (probably inspired by this site!)...very silly as he is head over heels for me and lets me know it, but I could not help waking up feeling awful! I told him about it and he consoled me of course by telling me that was silly as that would never be the case as he WAS in love with me, but it was weird for a bit for me for some reason.


Just keep at it, she may just be getting nervous and more anxious in general as wedding approaches as there are so many "forevers" and emotions involved so the dream was born out of that. Keep on letting her feel your love for her, and that you very much want to marry her and are excited and she should recover

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  • 3 years later...


I can see that you wrote this many years ago, but I just came accross this as I have been reaseraching suicide, and its causes and meanings.

And I have been readin a few of your posts, and was wondering???

Is your wife now, the woman who had been sexually abussed as a child?

Oh and another thing, I do have to say you are an excellent writer.

I've seen that even as you grow with age..

You always remain open minded...

good, for you=D

there's not many of us out here

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