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he's shy.. how do I know if he likes me?

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Man.. here I am again, writing for advise on a subject that I don't find too unfamiliar. This time it's so much different though. Here's the deal..


I'm friends with this guy's sister, and I've known him for a while, but wasn't interested for a long time. All the sudden about a month ago we started hanging out, and I started digging him.


Then one day we had lunch together and that's when he told me that he finds me beautiful, not only on the outside, but on the inside too. And from that moment on, I started liking him more than just a friend. I felt as if he looked at me the same way, but I know he is shy, but i'm so tired of pressing things to go so fast, that it seemed like a good situation to get to know him and just let it happen.


The problem is that in a few weeks he's moving out of town, and i'm going crazy trying to figure out if I should say something or not. I don't want to scare him away, but I have fallen for him and I want to know if he feels the same too. Actually, I haven't seen or heard from him in almost a week and i'm going crazy inside.


What should I do?

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Hi - Well - he's moving, so I think you should grab your chance! If he said he thinks you're beautiful, then it sounds like this may be real. Just call him up, and tell him you'd like to get dinner with him before he moves.


On the "date," see how he acts. The bad news is that if he does like you, he's moving. It's pretty hard to have a LDR when a person just moved away.


Don't get your hopes too up about having a real relationship with him. Just go out, have fun, whatever happens, happens. If I were you, I wouldn't want to spend the rest of my life wondering, "what if...?"

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Thanks.. I don't want to spend the rest of my life wondering "what if" either..


The other good thing is that if he does like me, he's not moving that far.. maybe 8 hours.. and he's going to be coming back often b/c his sis. just had a baby.


I'm just scared b/c I want someone to love me as much as I love them, and I know how guys are when they really like a person. I'd think he'd do all he can and want to see me as much as possible.


I'm going crazy b/c I haven't heard from him in almost a week.. i've e-mailed and called.. I hope I haven't scared him away..

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Yes, defenitly tell him how you feel. If not you might regret it for a long time to come. You need to tell him how you feel, so that a way he might be more inclined to tell you his feelings also. And if it doesn't go over so good, which it more than likly will be fine, he's moving, so you have Very little to lose.

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Umm, believe me, if a guy says your beautiful inside and out, pretty sure he's interested. Either that or he's kissing *** just to get physical...but I don't really think it's the case here if he had lunch with you and stuff, lol.


Well if he hasn't called in a week y'know he has a life too. If you don't hear from him for another week or two, just forget about him.

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Umm, believe me, if a guy says your beautiful inside and out, pretty sure he's interested. Either that or he's kissing *** just to get physical...but I don't really think it's the case here if he had lunch with you and stuff, lol.


Well if he hasn't called in a week y'know he has a life too. If you don't hear from him for another week or two, just forget about him.


Yea, he's not the type to try and get physical.. honestly I think he's a virgin. His aunt and I are pretty close and she has wanted me to hook up with him from the beginning..


I talked to her the other day, but didn't tell her a lot.. she did ask what was up with us and I told her i'm interested and for her to keep it a secret b/c I don't want anything to change. She even told me she think's he's a virgin.

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WOWOWOWOOW!! He just called!!!


It's true, he didn't have my number b/c it was stored in his old phone. I e-mailed him today to tell him i wanted to see him again and to call me.. so he did! He's coming over for dinner!


HELP! What should I do? I think I have to make a move b/c hes going w/ his sister to see her friend in LA, and I think the other girl likes him.

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nevermind.. I got my answer. He's not interested.


I'm glad I didn't have to make a fool out of myself. He called me and asked because he thought that if he were to have dinner with me that he'd be leading me on. He said he's not trying to be in a relationship right now.


Happy and sad about it.. well I guess one day i'll meet my soul mate.

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oh no!!! Oh gosh - I feel for you girl.




It's ok. I guess it is better this way, since he will be moving so soon. Better not to start anything now. Look at it that way.


Oh well - like you said - you'll meet your soulmate one day, AND he'll live in your town, hopefully!


Take care


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Oh - let me add... I think it's good that he just flat out told you he didn't want to lead you on. Imagine if he came over for dinner, you two kissed, then he moved, and acted very distant, not returning your phone calls and such. He just saved you weeks of aggravation. It's better this way I gues.... *sigh*

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Then you have to make a pretty good move on him for that effect to last. It doesn't have to be the best thing ever, but if you make it pretty good-average. He should be into it. He'll probably be pretty happy you feel the same for him so yeah. I think he'll reject his sister's friend's motives in LA, if you get the point accross to him good luck. Also if he has a brain, he should realize your interested because he's coming over to your place for dinner and you don't care lol.

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Thanks yall.. yes, I'm actually doing ok. We met that day, but what happened was that after I invited him to dinner, he called me back and asked if I thought we were in a relationship.. so I responded saying no, but that I was interested in him, however I knew he was leaving.. so he told me he wasn't trying to be in a relationship right now.


So we met, took a walk.. talked for a while.. I really saw that he's not interested.. I was really hurt for a while, but i'm over it now. I still like him though, and I hope that he'll like me back.. I haven't talked to him in a week b/c I want to separate myself, give him some breathing room with him moving and all. I'll let him contact me.


*hugs* thank yall again!

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  • 2 weeks later...

millaj: Wow! Reading your posts about this guy really reminded me of me a month ago! Situations were different and all, but I could relate with your waiting and his answers. But anyway.... Did he tell you WHY he isn't interested? He could have other things going on that he needs to focus on. Don't just give up on him and regard his "rejection" towards you as "just an excuse." That's what happened with me, but I have been keeping in touch with this guy too who has also opened up to me what he's going through. In any case, good luck!

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