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I don't know what to do about myself. I have no strength.

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I post a lot of silly forums but this time... I'm worried.


For the past 4 years I have battled with bulimia. The past year I had it under control and wouldn't do it. Lately however I'm starting to feel the same way I did when I started. I feel.... Hollow and disgusting on the inside. I'm scared that I won't be able to fight my urges and will give in. These past few days have really tested me. I have come very close but... I never can do it. I start shaking and I cry. I'm just scared that my will to stop will give and I will just go back to my secrecy. Please.. anyone.. if you have any suggestions or just comforting words that would help, please just write me.




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Before it gets way too out of control, since from you post it sounds like it has, You should seriously try counceling or even let you parents be aware of it, or a close friend and their parents or an older friend that you trust. It won't get any easier if you try battling this yourself. Ide sugest maybe trying to just get down a lil bit at a time. And if it can take food. I know not eating seems like its working, but you wouldn;t be at this site seeking understanding if you weren't concerned yourself and thats good that you are smart enough to recognize it before it gets to chaotic. Please take my advice and get some help. When you stop eating it causes your stomach to feed off what you have left even when you havnt eaten. And it shrinks it, but this isnt healthy girl. It makes it harder and harder to get down food. Please stay healthy. Healthy is Beautiful!

Please take my advice


Take care


Your concerned friend



Your not alone girl! Good luck sweets.

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I don't know what part of Texas you are in but I will tell you that bulimia is a very serious eating disorder and it is something that I really believe you need help with. I would try to find some one local that could help you find a specialist in eating disorders or you could call the national number and they could direct you to help locally hjere is the number for the National eating disorders association please call them and talk to someone that can help you





National Eating Disorders Association

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I agree about finding someone or something that you can run to when the urge hits you. Find someone, even if it's online.. just someone who will listen and talk you down when it hits you. Turning inward is the worst thing that you can do in that position.


Create a ritual that you do when it gets bad. Anything. It can be simple like taking the time to do something completely off the wall or something you would never do like.. colouring a picture or meditating until it passes. At least until you can get into see someone who has professional expertise.


If you want to talk, you can messege me.

Be strong even if you think you can't. I know that sounds corny, but it's down there in you somewhere.. it's just a matter of finding it.

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