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I don't think it's my time yet to date someone


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This is kinda random but I wanna share my story. 2 weeks ago I went on a blind date with my mutual friends and I thought it was gonna be romantic but it ended up...awkwardly? Like I only see him as a brother figure and I felt no sparks AT ALL. I tried blind dating cause I never tried it before and it feels odd. Like there's no sparks or compatibility you know?


Plus, I just got out of an "online relationship" last month, I just resigned at a company I felt so much pressure, and I'm in the midst of looking for a job. I realized it's not really my time to date someone yet. And I need to focus on building myself and my career.


To be honest, I've always been in relationships since 2015. Only this year I've been single for a while and I have to admit being single is kinda fun you know? I never appreciate being single till after my last toxic "relationship"


So yeah, it feels great that I only have to worry about my career choice and myself at the moment.

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Good for you!


Sometimes we need an awkward date to realize we don't really feel like dating. And sometimes when we haven't dated for a bit we want to date again. Around and around—doesn't have to be binary, just go with your truest instincts.


Because dating IS awkward. It's awkward when the sparks aren't there, awkward when the sparks ARE there—and you have to be into all that awkwardness to navigate it without being consumed by it. When our own individual core is solid, we're less swayed by the awkwardness and can just enjoy it, wherever it goes, because we know we can always return to the warm and safe home within.

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Good for you!


Sometimes we need an awkward date to realize we don't really feel like dating. And sometimes when we haven't dated for a bit we want to date again. Around and around—doesn't have to be binary, just go with your truest instincts.


Because dating IS awkward. It's awkward when the sparks aren't there, awkward when the sparks ARE there—and you have to be into all that awkwardness to navigate it without being consumed by it. When our own individual core is solid, we're less swayed by the awkwardness and can just enjoy it, wherever it goes, because we know we can always return to the warm and safe home within.


After that awkward blind date, my instincts are telling me I shouldn't date someone yet and just wait for the right person. I am truly enjoying my status as a single person. I haven't felt like this since 2014. It feels great. When my 2nd break up was still fresh back in April, I started missing dating with someone and that's probably why I ended up "dating" someone online. In the end, after that toxic online "relationship", that's when I realized I'm better off single for a while.

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Makes sense. Hey, April is STILL fresh. I think it's really important to go through a nice stretch where being single great. Not great because you're dating a million people casually, but because you're dating yourself. Then you get to share that person with someone else, rather than thinking of a new person as some void filler.

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