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Girlfriend Help Please!!

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Hey, this is sort of like a survey, but I am just trying to figure out if you guys out there still have some phone conversations with your girlfriend/boyfriend that are weird. I mean like, when my girlfriend calls , usually we just keep talking until one of us leaves, but sometimes I have nothing to say, and there is just this long.. awkward silence for a while...and we've been going out for 5 months or so.. but on occasion we have some of these things. Today for instance, she told me she would call me later, and she did.. We talked about some things that were on our mind, weekend/school, but then neither of us had anything to say. When we're together we never have this, because we're really comfortable around each other, it's just on the phone sometimes..

I am just wondering if this happens to any of you, and what you do to avoid it, or just get by it.. I know it's nothing serious, but any advice or tips/hints would be helpful.

THanks a lot!

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This thing always happens to me with the girl I'm dating, but only when we have something on our mind that we don't want to discuss.


For example


If a random girl kissed me, and I pulled her off.

And I was talking on the phone with the girl im currently dating, I would be awkard on the phone since I want to tell her, but i feel uncomfortable about her reaction.


Or vis-versa.



It's only awkard when somethings bother you.

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This kind of thing can happen from time to time. That is when you just end the convo. and find something else to do. When you're young, I'm sure it happens more often as a male, but when you get older you'll probably just end the convo. and do whatever you have to do after.

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I dis-agree with Public_Service


I have been seeing my guy for a good while now, ten months and we still have those silences. Sometimes you talk so much you like run out of things for the moment, but it passes. We, one or the other usually gets off the phone with each other until we need to call or have something to say. But it's not because you have something on your mind that you don't want to discuss

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Alright, I get ya..

but when those silences occur, what do you do/say?

because sometimes I don't just want to be like.. "im heading out now"

incase she just wants to talk to me.. or just stay on the phone..

or if the conversation has only been going on for like 5-10 minutes, is it rude to end it, if there is nothing else to say, and we're becoming silent?

What can I say, so it doesnt sound like "okay you're boring, im leaving"



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I was just saying It may ONE of the reasons, or not at all. Just a possiblity.


If it gets awkard, and you don't want to go.


-Talk about a funny story,

-Confess a secret (Of course, a cute one, not a bad one)

-Talk about a topic you both find intresting

-Tell her about a dream you had

-Talk about something bothering you

-Talk about seomthing you saw that striked you as odd.


SO MUCH...the possiblities are endless.


But if you need something to say to break the silence.


NEVER SAY "soooooo..."


Talk, listen, react.

She should do the same.


Thats how I intake it.

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