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Some romantic/fun advice needed!

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Hey, I've been with my girlfriend for 5 months now. Things are incredible, I can tell I am falling in love with her, I am so comfortable with her, and she's coming to my cottage with me and my family this weekend, I cannot wait.

I am just asking for something romantic, or funny I can give her, or do with her to show how much she means to me.. there is no occasion, I just want her to know, and I have bought her things before (purse, ring, etc..) so I dont want her to think I am spoiling her.. I just want to do something for her, without going overboard..

I would also love to hear what you guys do in this situation to your partner, thanks a lot!

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Hey congrats with your relationship! I'm glad you guys are so happy together. Make sure you remember that buying things for her will never mean as much as doing something for her or making her something meaningful yourself (such as Elfdrinkingtea suggested).


Goodluck this weekend! Have fun

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