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Body language


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I was reading about flirting body language and well I'm giving off the wrong vibe. I really like this guy, too much honestly, and because of that it scares me to be around him. Like if he touches me rather than be receptive and touch back or play into it I close off.


I read that where your feet point is who you're attracted to. Okay they are my least favorite feature. I'm self conscious about my legs so when he's around I try to hide them. He seems keen on body language so I think he may wonder if I'm interested or not but I am. I just feel way too nervous around him.


Do guys really believe fully in all that kind of stuff or am I just worrying over nothing? Are there ways to counteract my natural tendency to run away.

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He probably isn't into overanalyzing every little thing but he will notice if you close off when he touches you or if your body language makes you seem cold to him. He will notice if you're not receptive/open in you gestures. But that can be helped by smiling and laughing and being a little less self-conscious. Try to make yourself show that you're having a good time when you're with him...at first it may seem a little hard cause you're nervous but after a little while it'll come naturally.

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