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ok few months ago.. and I'll explain why it only recently bothered me right... my girlfriend went clubbing.. me being paranoid and all didn't help but... after it all that same night she told me she was dancing with some bloke... and he forced her to kiss him.. tongues yeah... now I turned round and said who is he I am going to knock him senseless... she didn't know him.. don't remember what he looks like and such... so I said he must be an idiot type thing without using too many nasty words on here.


everytime she wants to go clubbing I always get so moody and paranoid the thought of other blokes putting their hands all over my girlfriend then trying to kiss her does my head in.


anyhow recently.. she brought her diary round and let me read bits about me... for a laugh... so anyway I get to THAT night and it says oh yeah I kissed this bloke for 5 seconds and I just couldn't do it.


right.. she is in a night club dancing with someone... she turns round... they grab her and start kissing her... wait a minute... she didn't push them away straight away she went on kissing them for 5 seconds... if it was so forceful.. she wouldn't have even connected tongues with this geezer.


everytime we talk about her going clubbing it's all good til I say about the bloke who forced himself on her kissing-wise yeah... and she goes all the other way like oh let's not even talk about it blahblahblah.


I aint mentioned the 5 seconds thing and questioned as to whether or not she actually wanted to to her face coz I don't want to accuse her and have problems in our relationship but what works me up is she was like oh yeah he forced himself on me blahblahblah but hang on... you didn't push him away? not for a good 5 seconds? 5 seconds is a while... coz not even I have kissed her for more than that long in general recently... ok I do but not everytime we do kiss... if you get what I mean.


maybe I'm too obsessive just get the feeling she is tryna cover up the fact that she got on another bloke and then thought oh no what will my boyfriend who I supposedly love so much say about it.


please tell me what you lot think or am I just turning mad coz I can't even be bothered to talk to her about it I don't want all the hassle she will turn it into a big row I can already tell it's a VERY touchy subject.


should I leave it? approach her about it? bring it up?


I can't talk about it without getting worked up even if I don't show it I will be worked up inside. makes me feel sick.

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i'd leave it alone for a couple reasons...she told you that the guy forced her to kiss him yea? in a relationship trust is important (i'm paranoid too but i'm trying to work around it)


as long as it hasnt hapepned again i dont think theres a reason to worry, just go clubbing w/ her if you want, or reccommend something else. I dont know about her diary specifically but '5 seconds' is generally a euphemism for a split-second etc. it means it didnt last long and she did push him away, which is better for you than if she dove into the guys mouth head first. everything will be alright, just do what I did and loosen up a little bit. if this happened a few months ago and its not hapepend again i'd say your safe.


best of luck

-- Darknova

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trust is important i agree. now this was a one time thing but i think that her actions just didn't seem right. she may have just wanted to make you a little jealous....(im not sure why though) or maybe she wants you to come and figures this way you would! look if you're really concerned about it why dont you go with her? i think you should be worried if she kinda kissed this guy for 5 secs. i agree it didnt sound COMPLETELY FORCED however it hink the reason she may have actually done this or just said this to you could have been to try and get you to come iwthout sounding like a nagging gf. leave this one alone and next time go with her!!!!

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