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I'm not perfect I feel so disconnected with everyone

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I'm 19 years old. I don't know what I want out of life. Sometimes I go through these HIGH and LOW periods where things seem ok and then it plunges. Some drama happened a lil while back.


I feel like a lot of people don't like me. It gets to the point where I don't want to see people at all. It finally occurred to me that it's not normal.


No one knows I feel this way. I don't want it to affect the people around me. I feel tired. I can't focus in school. I'm not myself. Emotions of hate, jealousy, anger and pain take over and I find myself in tears. I don't know what the source is.


Sorry to be so vague. Please lend me your advice.

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i think everyone goes through this stage in life...but most act like you, not telling those around who who care so noone ever knows about it. i randomly go on downers where all i want to do is go to bed and sleep life away, then days when i wana go out and talk to randoms all day...dont keep it all to yourself, theres allways someone who cares..

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I feel exactly the same way as you - like I am wearing a mask most days that shows me as being happy and bubbly to my friends, but underneath, I am drowning in negative emotions - anger, sadness, hatred etc. I feel that if I ever let how I truly feel surface, nobody likes me. Everybody judges me. I am 26 years old and I have had these feelings for years. I do sometimes wonder if it is depression and if I need treatment for it.

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I have similar problems and I can tell you that it really helps to have someone to talk to when you're feeling low. Even if they can't solve your problems... Just getting it out in the open can make you feel better.


The word of warning is, find someone you trust. It can do more damage than good if you talk to someone about your problems and they go tell a bunch of other people about it.

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I feel like that a lot too. 'Disconnected' I guess is the word for it. I guess I don't have any real advice except to let you know that I felt worse a while back before I got psychiatric help (not really serious...just visited this shrink, talked to him about how I felt, and he prescribed Zoloft, an antidepressant). It turned out to help immensely. Those weird antisocial feelings started to disappear (not completely, but I got better). Just to let you know that if it gets really bad, help is out there.

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