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I want to break up, but I don't know how..

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Hey guys, it's been a while since I've been here. I got back together with the ex after a couple months of being apart. Things were going good there for a while, but now he's starting to act all weird again.

He left me for his ex and then came crying back to me and after a while I took him back. Now he's doing the same things that he was doing before I found out he was cheating before. I know what I have to do, but I just don't know if I have the courage. I confronted him about it, but I think he keeps lying his way out of it. I don't have any solid proof, but i have some strong suspicions. I should have trusted my gut last time, but I didn't and I gotta go with it this time.

I guess I just need some advice. I'm not looking forward to the weeks of hurt and crying that I went through before. Any advice would be great. Thanks

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Well theres only one thing to do. If you are actually sure he is fooling around and looking to you for a shoulder to lean on then you have to end it. Go to his place, when he answers the door tell him its over and walk away, don'r go inside because all thats waiting in there for you is more lies from him. Turn and walk away and don't look back.

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Its hard man, but do what you gotta do. Believe me, if you break up with him now its going to be so amazing for you.


You were with a man you loved and he went back to an ex. That hurts a lot. Since you still loved him you took him back, and thats perfectly fine. To this day id probably take my ex back.


But what you are doing is putting some solid thinking behind all these intense emotions. You are trying to be wise and do whats best for you! Thats awesome. It was possible for him to change, but he didnt and you see that. I really respect that you took him back but are still aware enough to see how hes acting.


No one would want to be in your shoes. It hurts to break up, but you seem to know in your gut what you have to do. Were all here for you!

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Girl, I absolutely know how you feel. I think you realize what you need to do but you don't like hurting anyone even if YOU are the one that's been hurt. Do exactly what you talked about. FOLLOW YOUR GUT GIRLFRIEND!!! Mine has NEVER done me wrong. If you feel it in your gut then it's definitely what you should do. I agree with the others in that you just need to come right out and say it. Don't call him on the phone or write him a letter but go to him and tell him and then just walk away even if it hurts. Time heals everything, the world doesn't stop turning and the sun ALWAYS comes up the next day. I have faith in you, Sweetie. It's going to be ok! Do what you gotta do.

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