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I have a friend who is married and we talk to each other every day. She talks to me a hundred times a day either through emails or talking. I know she likes me. I have feelings for her. She is leaving for another state. Should I tell her how I feel or let it go? I dont want to wake up one morning and regret. Something tells me that I shouldn't. So i need an opionion on this matter.



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Agreed. She is married. Don't tell her how you feel. Cut back on your contact with her and focus on other women. That way, hopefully your feelings for her will gradually dissipate. Something tells you not to tell her, you said...that's your gut...trust it.

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Its not a Julia Roberts movie so it wont have a happy ending. Let it go, dont break up a marriage, you have no idea how the people in it are gonna feel if it all falls apart because you shared your feelings. Wish her the best in the future and keep intouch, its the best you can do as a friend. It never works out, trust me, someone always gets hurt.

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Okay, first she is married. Red flag here, not available for any feelings with any one else without a great deal of hurt and financial pain!!! Don't do it, you could screw up her life, your life and ultimately someone elses life.

How do I know, my husband is friends with an ex girlfriend who calls him excessively and sees him all the time, and it hurts real bad. But it don't stop. Take the advice, Let it alone!


Hugs as friends is different from I want to be with you hugs. Back off, save the feelings for someone who is available to be with you.

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see i have same problem...only im the one going to different state, and we aready had a night together, and it was fun and we had alot of spark..shes 24 and im 19 but she said that it didn't matter and it wasn't working out wiht her husband..so i know what you are feeling.. but i too don't know what to do

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