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just turned 14 yrs old...

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i just turned 14 years old and ive never had a girlfriend (is this normal)?...only reason im posting is cause ive been on holiday with my friend (not on our own, with a load of adults aswell) who i really like and got back home today...i promissed myself i'd ask her out but didnt have the guts, so im bored and a little upset...anyway im a boy shes a girl...and i like her...i got a fairly good feeling she likes me aswell but i dont wanna ask her out cause last time i asked someone out which was also the first time i coward out of it cause i was very nervous. only prob is that she has a little brother who tells everyone everything he hears or sees. but i only want her to know i like her unless we decide to tell family and friends...but yet again, theres another problem, i dont wanna ask her out, well i do, but everytime i see her i think just ask her out, whats the worst that can happen? but my mouth just goes dry and i dont say nothing. so heres a little things id like help on please...

1. how do i hint to her i like her in that way?

2. how do i ask any girl out? cause saying will you go out with me sounds like a really bad joke, but something that your able to say with no words like love in.

3. as far as i know shes never been out with anyone, so i dont know if she likes boys, but i need to find out that much atleast before making a move of any kind.

4. i dont know if my mum or dad knows i like girls (they dont think im gay either though) so i need to let them know in a way that doesnt sound strange. dunno if its any help for you to give an answer but my bro knows i like girls

5.im worried about what my mum or dad or her mum and dad (and her brother, cause he makes everyone feel bad) might do, they might stop liking me or something different if she says she wont go out with me


any help would be great thx


P.S: shes at the age when the mood swings start, so sometimes she might not take me seriously

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hey just wanted to say one thing.. sorry not really answers to your questions.

But, it is very normal for a 14 years old not to have a gf/bf ok?? Enjoy your young years, you will have enough time to play relationship games. There are just so many teens that think they should already be having sex and getting bfs/gfs at 12,13,14,15...its wrong, > you get a gf and do all these things when you are ready and when you feel like that, not when you think you must or because your friends have gfs/bfs.

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Feeling this way is perfectly normal and so is never having a girlfriend at 14. Here's what I think on your questions:


1. The best way to hint someone that you like them is flirting. Keep eye contact with her. Maybe sometiems touch her hand. Or you can do the old favorite direct approach: tell her and ask if she feels the same way.


2. If you dont want to use the "Will you go out with me?" line, which I too, think is overused, then you can try something like "So I was thinking about going_______(insert name of place), would you wanna go with me?" This way, it's not really asking her out directly, and you'll also find out if she's interested in you or not. Then after a few dates and getting to know each other, it's okay to use the "will you go out with me?" line.


3. So you think she might like girls? Hmm. There isnt really any way you can find this out without asking her...or one of her close friends. Do you think she likes boys? Does she flirt with them? Have you ever seen her flirt with a girl?


4. Well, at 14 I'd think it's pretty obvious to your parents that you're going to start liking girls. They went though the same thing with their parents, so trust me, it wont be a big shock to them. And whats the big deal anyway? You're of the age when you start dating...your parents know this, they're not stupid, so don't sweat it. You could try saying somehting like, " I like this girl and I was thinking about inviting her over, would that be okay?" That bluntly states you like girls.


5. Don't worry about what parents think. I dont see why they wouldnt like you if she said no. It's none of their business. And trust me, I've never seen a situation where parents didnt like someone jsut because their daughter or son turned someone down. Dont worry so much. It's not as complicated as you're making it sound.


Hope I helped. If you have any other questions, feel free to PM me.



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Honestly I don't think most people at 14 have boy girl friends. So there's absolutely no need to be worried about that.

You know what instead of asking her out right away, why not try making small talks with her. That's a way to show you're interested and also to get some feedback whether she's even interested or ready to be in a relationship. Just let it flow from there. After talking with her more you'll naturally build up the nerves to eventually possibly ask her out.

Why would you even feel the need to let your parents know who or even what gender you're interested in?


Good luck

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thx for the help and i know she doesnt like girls...but im just not sure if she likes boys either...just as sorta kids are...only likes people of the same sex but not in a love way, just as mates..also i have another question...sorta..

i remember once her saying she thinks a singer is fit when seeing him on T.V and i dont know what words are racist these days so im really sorry if this is racist, but the singer was black, and my friend is blonde haired and white, and most blonde and white girls i know tend to prefer black men than white men. so im not sure if i stand a chance


also i dont really want to touch her unless she hints that way or...if were both laying down and the sofa's to small


and at 14 shes a year younger than me-shes 13, and in my school going out with someone a year lower than you is sorta sick-but she goes to a different school...i just dont know what to say or do very much


oh and one other question. its a little awkward...i fancy 2 girls...the one im talking about, one at school - but every time i see one of the girls i like i think to myself shes way better than her...but when i see the other one i think shes better-and so on, i also only see the girl i went on holiday with once every week or 2 as she lives a few miles away

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Man hunter no need to worry yet. You're 14 so it's okay to never had a gf/date etc.


No on the other hand if you get to my situation (24yr next month w/never having a gf/date/kiss etc.) then I'd start to worry. So while I will say don't rush it right now, don't wait too long either. I mean 10yrs ago I longed for a gf and figured eventually it'd have to happen and look at me know. So if you can get a gf now then go for it but don't force it b/c the relationship won't last.

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thx again-im sure im ready tho, its the first time i've feel in love with someone like that before-but i know it wont last but i want it to. so i just needed a bit of advice like when and how to ask her out (which you guys have game the answer for), oh wait- when do i ask her out? and dont say in a romantic place cause i live in the middle of a f-ing city

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hey man not having a g/f until your 14 is fine honestly i dont think anythign before that can be all that seriouis ill be turning 16 in about a month and when i turned 15 i actualy started learning things about relationships i mean in the past year ive had a few g/fs but eventually i found one that fit me right and ive been wiht her for 5 and a hafl months just remember u might have to go through some heart ache and yes its completley normal trust me it is

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Don't worry about it...I know it seems like right now you are behind but man, I wish I had waited longer to date! At 14 you are just not always emotionally ready for relationships...I mean they can be fun, but sometimes also way too serious for that age, and you don't need that.


Relax, things will happen in time....I hate to say it but you are still just soooo young and really need not worry...be happy you do not have to deal with the complications many teenage relationships encounter!

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