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How can I make it right?


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A couple of days ago my girlfriend grabbed my phone out of the sudden and I took it back. She said I was hiding something I told her I wasn’t I just didn’t like that. I gave her my phone and she went through all of it and She found out that one of my friends had commented on a Snapchat story I had posted and she took it in the wrong way. She was complementing my brother and we even had a conversation about him but she said how this all played out. She later checked our text messages between me and my friend and she got upset because I would ask her for advice on our relationship. My girlfriend said I did her dirty and she does not care about me anymore. I want to make it right. In my head I never did her dirty so how can I make her see that?


I feel bad guys I tried talking to her but she says I lied to her. Friday she sent me a screenshot of a conversation between her and a guy and she later told me she was going to him the next day. That hit me really hard and I’m still shocked she found someone so fast.

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Most things worth doing are hard.


Yes, you can choose to keep yourself attached to her but what good would that do?


One of my close friends told me to write things I liked about her and things I disliked about her. It was all mostly bad things. All we would talk about were her problems I never brought up my problems because she said it would just add stress to her.

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