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Rejected or am I reading it wrong??


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I’ve been friends with this guy for a really long time. We are like bestfriends. He tells me everything, comes to me for advice and we hang out frequently. There was always some attraction there but he had a girlfriend, so of course we didn’t act on it. He was always respectful of his girlfriend. He was smitten with her.

There have been moments where he would admit to caring about me and also admitting the timing was wrong. He stares at me all the time and he frequently views EVERYTHING I post on social media. His girlfriend coldly dumped him months ago when his grandfather passed away. She left him for a guy she had been seeing behind his back. She now post pics all the time with her new guy and she travels all the time with him. I know he was depressed when he lost his grandfather and I know her leaving the way she did hurt him.


He went out of town to be with his family overseas. He sent me a Christmas post card and stated that he didn’t have anyone else he would want to send it to. I wrote him back and told him I missed him and was ready for him to come home. About a week later I got another letter with him saying he appreciates me taking the time to write him back. Also That he is going through a tough time the most difficult time of his life he said. He said he’s only looking for a friend right now and he hopes I understand why he is saying that. He in so many word said that he only needs God and his family and he’s finding his way in life. He said he only needs a friend at least until he gets his life situated. He also said that he would pay for me to fly out and visit with him and his family next month and that he hopes I will.


I instantly felt embarrassed and rejected. Also I never said anything about being together. Only that I missed him. Why would he ask me to visit him and PAY for me to visit if he maybe doesn’t want me to get the wrong idea.

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I think you got friend-zoned.


What country is he from and you from? I'm always afraid people leave out vital information, like if you're different religions or different races and the obvious elephant in the room is never discussed.


Yeah that gut feeling doesn’t lie and that’s how I feel. Both of our families are from Rome. He still has family there and I don’t. We are the same religion.

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Sorry to hear this. It sounds like he values your friendship, just as he always has, but does not want to date.

He said he’s only looking for a friend right now and he hopes I understand why he is saying that. He in so many word said that he only needs God and his family and he’s finding his way in life.
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