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Too attached to boyfriend


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Hi there, I'm looking for some advice or maybe im just venting who knows. I've come to realise I'm too attached to my boyfriend, I don't sleep unless he's in the bed, I have difficulty eating I'd he's not around and my head goes to dark places. I've had attachment issues since my sister died and it's very difficult for me to connect with anyone, I often am unempathetic and distant, this is new for me so I'm at a loss with him. I've been like this since we broke up and got back together a few months ago (he was uncomfortable with sex, were not having any at the moment/any more) it's extremely difficult for me to be away from him and I don't know what to do. I haven't told him any of this as he's stressed enough and already feels guilty for hurting me. He's the sweetest thing and would never intend to be malicious.

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I am sorry for your loss, OP. I know how much the death of a loved one can shake you.


Have you sought counselling? I think you will likely need some professional feedback and coping strategies. You say your mind goes to a dark place when your boyfriend is not around - in what way? What do you imagine is happening?


Also, I am curious where his discomfort with sex comes from. What is that about? I think there are more issues at work here, beyond some separation anxiety or attachment problems. How long have you been together?

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Also, I am curious where his discomfort with sex comes from. What is that about? I think there are more issues at work here, beyond some separation anxiety or attachment problems.


Right, I'm wondering this too. How long has his discomfort with sex gone on? I think that might play largely into your issue. Being sexually rejected by your boyfriend would make any girl wonder. And yes, that could lead to clinginess, as you are looking for comfort from him in any other way he can provide.


Do you think he might be gay?

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