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What is the difference between an emotional and spiritual connection?

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A question recently came up between some friends and it was “what is the difference between an emotional and spiritual connection to someone?” I was really in shock because for the first time I didn’t have an answer. I’d love some opinions on it. And in no way are we relating this to Religion. Only spirituality of the soul and emotions.


Let me know you’re thoughts!

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It's whatever you make of it or don't make of it. There is no objectively defined "spiritual" connection, assuming such a thing even exists at all. I mean, I guess the Mormons have a much more thought-out and defined concept of it with the whole celestial marriage thing, but that's a whole other story.


I find topics like this really only serve a purpose in a philosophical circle jerk among friends and after several drinks. If you feel good with someone and the relationship is healthy, I don't see much point in obsessing whether your connection is "spiritual" in some way. You either think / believe that way or you don't. Enjoy what you've got.

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Well for me it means someone is on my wave length when it comes to spirituality , we share the same ideas , thoughts , beliefs and it can be man or woman , I have felt full on instant spiritual connections with people ( pure cave man lust with j but that's a whole new thread ) and emotional is just what it says on the tin , my heart is invested ...although to be fair my heart is invested in a spiritual connection as well .


In short , I concur with J , it is what you make it , what you feel it is . It is all a very intimate choice .

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I think a "spiritual" connection is when you still feel somehow connected to this person, no matter how far apart you are, never see or even speak to each other.


It's an intangible "energy" between you that never really dies even when you enter into relationships with other people.


An "emotional" connection is what you feel in the here and now with someone, interacting and relating.. Your emotions, their emotions, sort of jive, and bounce off each other, you "get" each other, you're on the same wave length so to speak.


My opinion! :D

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I think a "spiritual" connection is when you still feel somehow connected to this person, no matter how far apart you are, never see or even speak to each other.


It's an intangible "energy" between you that never really dies even when you enter into relationships with other people.


An "emotional" connection is what you feel in the here and now with someone, interacting and relating.. Your emotions, their emotions, sort of jive, and bounce off each other, you "get" each other, you're on the same wave length so to speak.


My opinion! :D


This is EXACTLY what my opinion is on it all. But I was challenged and told that emotional is the same as when you’re away from the person and feel a connection. I don’t think this is the case. Because as you said, you would need to see and be in some form of constant communication with this person for it to be emotional whereas if you barely talk to the person and still feel so close to them I feel like that’s when the spirit is in connection with yours

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