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Happy New Year guys!


Well, this is my somewhat crazy story. After my break up in July 2017, my best friend made me get on Tinder to get my ex off my mind. After a couple of months of using it and quite a few very successful dates, I came across this guy. I saw his pictures and I thought he looked fun, interesting and very handsome. It was the first time I thought more than twice on swiping right. I felt he wouldn't swipe right on me and just the thought made me kinda sad, but I swiped right anyways and after a few hours we actually matched! I started the conversation. I saw he was American and he was on holiday here, in Peru. He had done one of my favourite adventure tours and I started talking about it. Right away he told me he was going back to the city after a few days and asked if I wanted to meet, to which I said I'd love to. So the day came, I thought he had forgotten about me but he actually messaged me. He asked me to go out with him but I honestly felt so self conscious. I made up some silly excuse and told him I wouldn't be able to make it. We continued talking throughout the day though, and we decided to add each other on whatsapp to keep on talking once he went back to the States. So I figured again he'd forget about me but he texted me as soon as he got to Montana. We had some great conversations and one day I told him I felt bad we didn't meet because I actually enjoyed talking to him a lot. He said he was hiking in Chile in December 2017/January 2018 and I told him maybe we could meet in Chile, but when he told me his plans it was not going to workout for me. So I jokingly told him maybe he should come back to Peru instead and he said he would. I honestly took it as a joke, but after a few days he sent me a really nice picture of himself to which I replied with a bunch of hearts, and he asked if he should come to Peru again. So I guess he was being serious. This was back in October and we continued talking almost daily. We made plans and well, basically he came over to spend my birthday and Christmas together. That was from the 21St until the 25th, when he left to Chile.


We had the most amazing 4 days. He had booked a crappy hotel room and told me he was only staying there for two days and then he wanted to move to a better hotel for my birthday and Christmas. He ended up booking a 5 star hotel for the full 4 days and it was honestly amazing. We clicked right away. We couldn't get our hands off each other. In fact, when we went out and went for a walk we held each other's hands and it just felt so natural.


I don't know how to explain it, but since we started talking online I felt so safe and attracted to him. Meeting him in person just made it all much better. He's coming back mid month before he heads back to the states. We're already making plans for those days and we have even made plans to travel together some time this year. However... we haven't talked about our feelings and I really want to tell him I want him all to myself, although I know it will definitely seem crazy (because I think it is lol). I told him I didn't think I was gonna like him this much and he said he felt the same way. He also said a couple of times that he wants to work really hard for 6 months and then take 6 months off to live in Peru and when he said that he asked if I'd be his friend if he did (which I took it as a shy way to say he probably wants something more serious? I don't know).


So, here's where my dilemma comes. What do you guys think? Do you think everything he's done for me/us and the plans we've made just mean that he sees me as a friend? Or does he actually like me in some other way? Also, should I tell him that what I feel for him? Or should I just shut up and enjoy the moment? I don't want to scare him away, I think he's a really good catch but the distance is the problem. I think it'd be unfair to suggest a long distance relationship, although that could be fixed. I don't know. This guy makes me feel like I never have before!

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Well, you're a girl. He's a guy. He likes South America. You're cute, warm and friendly. So, yeah, he's interested. The rest is up to you. He's hinting about a six month affair with you -- and then what? Can you move to the US? Can he move to Peru? You do have to consider what's the possible outcome and where it will lead. Love isn't silly. I would see what happens in the next six months.

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Well, you're a girl. He's a guy. He likes South America. You're cute, warm and friendly. So, yeah, he's interested. The rest is up to you. He's hinting about a six month affair with you -- and then what? Can you move to the US? Can he move to Peru? You do have to consider what's the possible outcome and where it will lead. Love isn't silly. I would see what happens in the next six months.


Thanks for your reply! Moving or visiting each other wouldn't be a problem on either side. We've kind of talked about it already.


I'm more concerned about talking about how I feel... my life has changed so much in the last 6 months, and I feel like I should tell him how I feel because well, you only live once! But I also don't want to scare him away. :(

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