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How do you get over your first love ?


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Our relationship lasted several years We were each other’s firsts this is this third time we broke up and I know it’s for good , there is absolutely no way we are getting back together but how do you cope with the pain of loosing that person without loosing yourself, and how you convence yourself that it just doesn’t work and stop fantasizing that it will it could but dip inside you know that it never will because we’re too diferente people ;(

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Only time, sweetie. From what I read the breakup was not long ago and it was a very toxic relationship, so you're actually doing great with your healing. Of course it won't happen overnight, the realization that it's really over this time. Come to write here if you feel upset, you deserve support in this.


When you feel ready to stop grieving, you need to find yourself again, the new you without him in your life. It can turn out amazing. One day you can meet someone with whom you will have a healthy, beautiful relationship. And what's more important, you can now have a healthy and beautiful relationship with yourself. You can begin to love yourself and surround yourself with people who are gentle to you, and be gentle to them in return. You can get stronger, not dependent on a guy who treated you like he did. What's ahead of you can be way better than what it was. So when you feel like relapsing in what ifs, remind yourself about the dark stuff, about your reasons for breakup. And remind yourself that you can do so much with life now, meet someone better, and live without abuse in your life.

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It hurts now, but as time goes by and you meet new guys and have new experiences, your first love will become just a memory.

Honestly, I barely remember my first boyfriend, and the only time I think about him is when people talk about their first loves. I also wonder what in the world did I like about him, as he was far from a good fit for me.

It will get better!

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One day at a time, just like everything else. Give yourself a chance to grieve, and no contact helps immensely even though it's difficult.

Journaling can be helpful; either online or a paper version.

Start a new hobby or get involved in your community. Keep yourself busy.

From there, it's just time to heal.

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  • 2 weeks later...

one day you're able to look back with a different perspective. you accept it for what it was and it's not the most important thing to you.


I realize that's very vague but its different for everyone and every situation. moving on with your life is the best thing you can do.

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  • 1 month later...

It will take time for you to get over them, for a long while I think you'll often look back but eventually it will be without the pain.

Whenever you find your self thinking too deeply about them, change your track of thought by going for a walk or listening to music.


My advice to get over them would be to block them or take time away from their social media, to go out with friends and enjoy yourself, and focus on your passions and developing a sense of who you are without them.

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