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My gf and i broke up last week but i still believe there is a future for us

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So last week i posted about my heartbreak with my gf.



I hadn't talked to her like everyone suggested but it was just eating away at me like no other.


Yesterday I reached out to her about how things went down and basically she said it was nothing that I had done wrong and she just needs to be single to better herself and focus on school. She said she does not want to see other people and she does not plan on it.


She said she still loved me which is the toughest part to swallow because I feel the same.


I know i need to focus on myself but im just wondering if we will ever date again you know? She meant so much to me and time will heal the wounds but I know that i want to marry this girl. In my opinion she is worth waiting for.

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Yeah, I remember this moment. When you reach out to your ex and it goes down like this. Your brain is filled with all these hopes now. I get it. After feeling so dejected this hope suddenly gives you a burst of electrified ecstasy. It feels good.


But I want to be honest with you Steve. It more than likely won't work out this way. From reading your first story and now this post, I can say I'm confident that this girl cares for you, but that is why she is using the language she is and phrasing things the way she is. She doesn't want you to hurt. But, she doesn't want the same things you do for whatever reason. That's a tough pill to swallow. You probably want to contact her again. You want more info from her I bet. You want to confirm all the things you've been conjuring up in your head about getting back together and everything working out great. This is the bad thing about hope sometimes. Because you are setting yourself up for an even bigger fall. I don't feel, from what you are saying anyway, that this is something she sees in the future.


The future is really unpredictable. But I think your best method going forward is to proceed with the understanding that you will not date again in the future.

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the only reason I want to believe there is a future is because she was my first everything(she’s special to me) and I know I’m not hers. This was both our longest relationships and it’s going to take me a while to get over. I just need to think about the now.

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the only reason I want to believe there is a future is because she was my first everything(she’s special to me) and I know I’m not hers. This was both our longest relationships and it’s going to take me a while to get over. I just need to think about the now.


I've been there myself and know exactly how hard it is, when my first love left me after 3 years I was a broken man, took me along time to pick myself up and move on


You will get there in the end, time is a great healer and some of us need more than others

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