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she accepted going to movies now what?

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Well as i have posted many times before ive been working up my curage to go on a date with a girl (marissa). now i planed to go to the movies on thursday w/ her and a few others. were still going to that AND just me and her are going to another movie that saturday! When i asked her i said it will probly be just me and her and her exact words were "okie dokie". Well thats kind of a odd response but a playful one to. while at the movie what should i do, keep in mind that this is our first date together. should i let her make the first move or should i take control of the situation?

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Baby steps. Don't rush in, don't make her make all the moves.


If I were you, I would go for a walk somewhere after the movie. It need not be far, and while I walked with her, I would arrange for my hand to appear to somewhat accidently bump into hers. See how she reacts. Does she retract from it as if you had a hand of molten lava? Does she retract slowly? Does she let it happen again? If she lets it happen again, then go through a series of them, your hadns bumping more frequently, and lingering for longer, although it is onyl moments. Then when they stay in contact for more than second, work slowly to holding hers. This series of reactions and interactions is taking baby steps to holding her hand. This is what I'd do.

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Taking a walk afterwards sounds like a great idea to me but I say that instead of 'accidentally' touching her hand and seeing how she responds, just go for it and grab her hand. Be confident. If you don't have the guts, you can always offer your arm for her to grab onto. Also, if she says, "I'm cold," thats usually your cue to put your arm around her. Oh, and one more thing...I was always taught to walk on the side of danger (meaning that if you are walking down the sidewalk next to a busy road, you take the road side. or if you are walking down the sidewalk and there is a group of drunk knife-wielding hobos...you take the hobo side.) Its actually kind of a fun game to play. Anyway, good luck and be confident in whatever moves you make.

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thank you all i like all of the idea but the first post it sounds like a good idea but i dont have the guts to do that. how should i offer her my arm? i like the if she says shes cold idea that cant go wrong because if she dosent want it we have a humorus and playful relation ship so i could just make it look like i was kidding around. any suggestions as to how i could get her to take a walk because both of us are to young to have a car of our own so we have rides back home should i just flat out ask her if she would like to take a walk?

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hmm...well it depends on where the theater is and what is available to walk to. If there is a sandwhich shop around or a place where you can get ice cream...or a dollar store where you can buy funny things...maybe a park you could get to...you get the picture. There are a number of things you could do before you get picked up. And the best way to go about it is to just surprise her. Take her hand when the movie is over and lead her to wherever you decide to go. Its the perfect excuse to grab her hand and take control of the date!

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In the hand bump routine, the contact can vary, but it should in no way be violent. Mostly the hands just touch repeatedly. The touching can and most likely will become more and more touching, if she wants you to take her hand. I recommend this because her reactions will tell you whether to make that move and grab her hand or not. Taking a baby step toward the goal, is you asking her to take one too.


Now, if you get to where you are holding hands, don't use the same thing when it comes time to kiss her. You know she likes you, lean in slow and just do that. Again, watching her reaction as you lean in will tell you whether to stop or keep going.

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I thought in those early highschool years people usually know what the accceptable thing to do is when hooking up with a girl.

It was also kind of known beforehand that we were going t hook up.


Do I wish it was so easy these days.


In my high school years it was usually known beforehand that we would hook up, and we just went someplace private.. is it not like that anymore?


I would say just walk with her someplace in private, and if she is with you in private than you know you can just go in and try and kiss her.

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With some people it is hard to tell and with some people you dont even want to bother asking them out unless your positive because that person might have a lot of the same friends as you and if she declines... well you get the picture but since i can trust marissa im willing to make the move

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