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Is she mad at me?


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I was talking to this girl I like over text. I sent her a message earlier that day that she didn’t look at till later. The message was me making a joke about how much I hated the hat she was wearing. I don’t say it was ugly or nothing just that I hated it. On the message I laughed and told her ofcourse I’m being sarcastic and I hope she finds in humor in this. We were talking earlier. But once she seen the message the communication stopped.

I didn’t say anything else that night but I sent her a message yesterday morning. Saying I was sorry, and Other stuff. But she never opened the message. It’s now the next day and I’m wondering what the hell. She opens everything that’s why this is weird. We were back on great terms before that message, I thought she would find it funny. Do you think she’s mad? If so how do I fix

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You'll never know unless you ask her. Keep in mind, challenge with text is people can very easily miss the intent of your message - since they can't tell sarcasm, etc without hearing tone, body language, etc. Don't be sarcastic with someone you don't know well via text. And keep in mind - insulting someone or their taste is not a good plan if you are looking to have a relationship with them


Call her and/or see her in person and apologize.

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The problem with txts is that they sound very raw, and don't have all the subtleties of speech. I don't ever use them other than to convey factual information because it's so easy to convey the wrong impression.


You've contacted her to apologise, and she may even be too busy with something else to have seen it - who knows?


Anyway, all you can do now is sit tight and wait for her to respond.

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Could she be overly sensitive to her appearance? I've had years of low self esteem and literally no confidence, I know it sounds stupid, but something like that would make me feel really self conscious, and could lead to her questioning other things you didn't like about her. Although I don't get why she wouldn't answer you

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You might want to stay away from insults cloaked as funny sarcasm. It will bite you in the rear more often than not, especially when texting. Honestly, when it comes to women, compliments will get you further every single time. "I really liked your hat. Super cool." will get you so much further with a girl than "omg your hat was sooo ugly like I hated it (ha ha sarcasm)" Get it?


Since she hasn't read your other messages or responded to them, all you can do is sit tight and wait. She might be busy and get around to them eventually or she might have decided to move on because she didn't like your "sarcasm".

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Sorry said text. We were actually video chatting. But I realized it was mean after I sent it. I even mentioned in the video that it was a joke, just to make her laugh. Only reason I thought it would be ok was me and her have similar sense of humor and we have been talking for a while, I thought she would find it funny. I can’t see her unfortunately, for that she would need to respond to my text. I’m not going to show up at her house like a creepier. Call her.... your probably right. I guess I’m just worried I haven’t spoke to this girl on the phone but once. Should I FaceTime her or just call?

Also I’m not even sure if she’s mad though.

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Lately it seems like she is. I don’t get it, either she’s so beautiful and I tell her how great she looks. Damn I didn’t even think about that. I have no idea if she’s busy but I do know leaving an open message from me for a Day is not common behavior. Should I call her or just wait for her to open it and respond

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Sorry said text. We were actually video chatting. But I realized it was mean after I sent it. I even mentioned in the video that it was a joke, just to make her laugh. Only reason I thought it would be ok was me and her have similar sense of humor and we have been talking for a while, I thought she would find it funny. I can’t see her unfortunately, for that she would need to respond to my text. I’m not going to show up at her house like a creepier. Call her.... your probably right. I guess I’m just worried I haven’t spoke to this girl on the phone but once. Should I FaceTime her or just call?

Also I’m not even sure if she’s mad though.


You obviously care about her.


Just pick up the phone and dial her number, like we all had to do before there was texting and snapchat and fb and Instagram and FaceTime and whatever else I'm leaving out, lol.


Don't let something silly ruin the friendship.

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Lately it seems like she is. I don’t get it, either she’s so beautiful and I tell her how great she looks. Damn I didn’t even think about that. I have no idea if she’s busy but I do know leaving an open message from me for a Day is not common behavior. Should I call her or just wait for her to open it and respond


Please don't message her anymore. You've already messaged her enough. Things happen. Try not to get so freaked out just because something is out of a pattern. Give her time to open and respond at this point.

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