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It has been one month since the breakup with the girl I consider "the one". we broke up before over poor communication. After a month of radio silence I managed to talk with her and we got back together and things couldn't have been better, except for a small fight hear or there. over half a year passes and we are under a month away from two years we have small morning banter through text emoji's and puns included which was her sign saying she was happy and when I meet up with her to which we agreed she looks depressed and is with a friend. A few minutes later she comes to me asking to speak alone. When we do she still looks sad and asks to go on break. During the course of this she wanted me to not text her or bother her so she could figure some things out. Needless to say I broke that rule and sent her a few texts with updates on life to keep her in the loop. After doing so I learned that she changed her status to single and started telling everyone we broke up. After discovering this new I exploded the next day I managed to meet up and let loose. I ended up saying some of the worst things imaginable which I really regret. we ended up breaking up but afterwords before we went our separate ways she said "I still really like you but I need to focus on myself and what I want in life" after that we left and didn't see each other. Another month goes by since the breakup and the guilt was eating me alive and I go to her and have a serious talk to where I find my fears have come true. I apologized but she said the damage was already done and that I betrayed her trust. but she was surprised I came to apologize. with that I also learned that she is falling for someone else and that she doesn't see us getting back together. I would do anything to make amends but how do I do so if she doesn't want to talk or meet with me? I hate sounding naive but she is the first woman I would truly kill myself to make her happy and I hate the fact that I am losing her to a man who is notorious for cheating which she knows. what can I do everything was perfect and we only had two huge fight now and the previous time we broke up. I really do not want to lose her.

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She knows how you feel, yet she's still choosing the new guy.

It's kind of you not to want her to be with a notorious cheater, but she needs to learn for herself.

All you can do is respect her wishes. The more you plead, the more she will pull away.


It's so painful to see the one you live with someone else, but if it's meant to be, you will come

together again. Right now, her answer is no. Trust is a very difficult thing to regain . It required

work from both people, and she has chosen to not work on it. I'm sorry. I hope you find your peace.

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??? Don't waste your time on this backstabber. Why would you want to be with someone who cares so little about you that she told everyone but you that she's single now? What a monster. You deserve better.


Be glad she's with someone just as heartless as her. Maybe then she'll get her heart broken and truly feel guilty about what she's done to you. Let her regret her decision by becoming a better version of yourself, and do not take her back if she wants to make it work again.

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I know things are bad, and I know she handled the situation wrong and there is no denying that. But that being said I firmly believe she and I are meant to be. I have been told countless times that I’m free and to ditch her, but I can’t let this feelings go. Let me rephrase that I don’t know at all. I see her and I together and anything bad she does is easily forgivable. I truly love her and I’m willing to do anything for her.

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I know things are bad, and I know she handled the situation wrong and there is no denying that. But that being said I firmly believe she and I are meant to be. I have been told countless times that I’m free and to ditch her, but I can’t let this feelings go. Let me rephrase that I don’t know at all. I see her and I together and anything bad she does is easily forgivable. I truly love her and I’m willing to do anything for her.


She doesn't share this view, I'm afraid.


It sounds like you two have been on rocky ground for some time, she lost interest, and someone else caught her eye. No matter how much we love someone, the feeling needs to be mutual for it to work. Unfortunately, that's not the case here. It's not possible to make amends when the other person doesn't want to.


It's also not healthy to assert that she could do anything bad and you'd forgive her. That isn't love. It's desperation, a lack of self-respect and poor boundaries. We all need our limits. I realize this may be a figure of speech, but it's a very telling comment. You need a backbone and a heaping dose of self-esteem, my friend. Lacking those things sets you up for a world of pain, and it's also not an attractive quality. Women like men who can stand up for themselves and not behave like doormats.


My guess is that she'd been testing out the waters with this guy before going on a break with you, and that's the real reason she called time-out. The timeline certainly suggests something may have been brewing there. And it's not your concern if the new guy is a total clown. That's her problem to deal with; she's an adult (I assume) and capable of making her own choices, even bad ones.


I am sorry this happened to you, in any event. I know it's painful when the one you love doesn't feel the same way. You will feel better, but it will be a slow process. Please be patient with yourself, and do the best you can to stay away from her. If you keep trying to force her to talk or meet, you won't like the result.

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